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Tu t'es fait piqué ton arme? Comment ça? :transpi:

Sinon depuis aujourd'hui y'a les champs de bataille, j'ai testé et j'aime beaucoup! :yes: Franchement ça claque! Par contre, faut attendre longtemps, et puis maintenant il va y avoir de plus en mplus de monde! Et puis c'est trop court je trouve aussi, ça ne dure que 3 minutes, ca ne suffit pas! Sinon j'ai fait une partie et j'aime beaucoup, ça change; c'est à améliorer! :roll:

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@Flippy : n'hésite pas à lui pourrir sa réputation sur le canal général, et sur le forum officiel, ça ne fait pas de mal à ce genre d'abrutis.

Sinon, pour moi, c'est la grosse galère ce soir. Impossible d'installer le patch (ça plante avant d'arriver au bout), l'utilitaire de réparation ne fonctionne pas, je suis donc les conseils officiels et je désinstalle/réinstalle. Sauf que ça ne réinstalle pas :dtc:

Je scan le disque, je défragmente, je coupe ma connection internet (probablement rien à voir mais quelqu'un sur le forum dit que ça lui a permis de résoudre ses problèmes) et j'arrive à installer le jeu correctement. J'en suis à mon 4ème patch, j'arrive très bientôt au patch critique, le 1.5. J'espère que ça va aller cette fois-ci, sinon... :devil:

Edit : il est plus de 1h30, et il semble que ça ait marché cette fois-ci :brice:

Modifié par fafaro
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Lucifron est tombé hier soir du premeir coup :)


Sinon les champs de batailles sont excelent et pour pas atendre suffit d'inscrire un groupe de 10 directement ( pas de pick up ) , on fait ca en full guilde , et jusqu'ici on a jamais perdu :mdr:

FreaKs , Hardest sur archimonde

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bon alors vos retours sur les champs de bataille ? ca donne quoi ?

J'ai eu le temps de faire un tour au Goulet de Warsong hier soir. La partie a duré assez longtemps je crois, je dirais entre 30min et 1h. On a gagné 3-1, avec un groupe composé de 3-4 paladins, 3-4 chasseurs, 1 prêtre, au moins un druide (je ne me souviens plus en détail). C'était très sympa. On n'était pas hyper organisé, mais on a bien respécté les consignes d'attaque/défense. Ceux qui étaient assignés à la défense n'ont pas bougé, les autres n'ont pas arrêté de harceler l'adversaire.

J'ai vraiment beaucoup apprécié. Avec un groupe fixe, équilibré et qui s'entend bien, ça peut être terrible à mon avis.

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J'en ai fait tout l'après-midi hier, résultat : 5 victoires, 0 défaite :chinois:

Faire des grp de 10 ça permet d'aller plus vite, cela dit il arrive quelque fois qu'une ou deux personnes ne rentrent pas dans l'instance et que en revanche 2 personnes extérieures au grp y rentrent, je sais pas encore d'où vient ce phénomène :yes:

A savoir, une fois dans l'instance, si quelqu'un s'en va, une autre personne dans la file d'attente prendra immédiatement sa place, pensez donc à l'inviter.

Sinon ben, j'ai els vieux réflexes d'Unreal Tournament (le premier) qui refont surface avec les battlegrounds, je me surprend à faire des double flèche-droite/gauche, à foncer dans l'entrée principal comme si j'avais mon DCA :roll:

Ha aussi, dans le Goulet de Warsong, chez les Allianceux (Fort Aile-Argent) , j'adore aller me mettre tout en haut du fort , on voit l'entrée et on voit aussi le drapeau, c'est trop drôle de tuer les gars de là en général quand ils me remarquent ils leur reste 200 hp et les malédictions finissent le travail :zarb:

Ha et encore, j'espère qu'ils vont interdire l'usage de forme loup/panthère dans les battlegrounds, c'est du vol sinon.

Modifié par Valgarv
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  • 4 semaines après...

Je voudrais savoir si il y a des chasseurs parmi vous qui savent comment utiliser des emotes avec son familier, si c'est possible. J'ai commencé un chasseur il y a quelques jours et j'ai pas trouvé comment faire.

En fait je voudrais faire des trucs du genre "/me grogne". Probleme quand je fais ca et je l'utilise les yeux de la bête ca m'annule le sort.

Iokanaan >> Je suis Phelenia sur Archimonde coté alliance. MAis tu pourra pas me contacter avant une bonne semaine, je pars en vacs. :non:

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J'ai bien trouvé ça,

mais bon, rien pour ma mémoire ... (à part pour le son):

We can define some parameters in the file, but nothing concerning the memory, grrr !

Look at this:

Note : All of the below comments on the workings of these commands are purely guesses and are based on past experiences with other games' console commands.

SET hwDetect "0" --- Sets if WoW checks your video card drivers every time it starts up.

SET lod "1" --- Dunno, but LOD always stands for "Level of Detail"

SET fullAlpha "1" --- Disables or enables Alpha on everything (slower computer, 0, faster computer, 1)(only use if resoloution ends in 32)

SET doodadAnim "0" --- Determines if the doodads have animations (off, doodads don't move, slower computers, on for faster computers)

SET mapShadows "1" --- I would say that this adds shadows to the minimaps

SET lightMaps "(null) --- This enables or disables lightmaps (make shadows look more real)

SET lodDist "100.000000" --- As your character gets farther away from things, they look less and less real. This sets the distance where the LOD begins to degrade.

SET SmallCull "0.040000" --- Something to do with Culling

SET DistCull "500.000000" --- Also to do with Culling, I dunno what it is, but it has something to do with 3d models

SET MaxLights "4" --- Set higher to allow more light sources, for faster computers and more complex shadows

SET shadowLevel "0" --- This sets the level of complexity for shadows

SET alphaLevel "0" --- This sets the initial alpha levels of objects before other alpha layers are added (guess)

SET texLodBias "0.5" --- This probably makes the textures look less real farther away (value sets amount to degrade quality at large distances)

SET trilinear "1" --- Enables trilinear filtering

SET frillDensity "24" --- Dunno

SET farclip "450.000000 --- Sets max viewable distance for any object, you can never see farther than this number

SET nearclip "0.1 --- Keep this at 0.1 but it sets the minimum camera clipping distance (you can't see closer than this number to the camera)

SET specular "1" --- Adds specular (light reflections) to objects (for faster comps)

SET pixelShaders "1" --- Adds pixel shaders (also for faster comps)

SET particleDensity "1.000000" --- For all the particle emitters, sets the density scaling value

SET unitDrawDist "120.000000" --- Max distance you can see another player or creep (the server sets this for you)

SET waterLOD "0" --- Level of detail in the water

SET baseMip "0" --- first mip-mapping level, textures become blurry at a distance with higher numbers in this value

SET anisotropic "1" --- sets anisotropic filtering on or off

SET textureLodDist "777.0" --- I think something to do with the distance at which texture LOD begins to degrade

SET horizonfarclip "2112" --- How far away the horizon is from your character (similar to FarClip value)

SET ErrorFileLog "0" --- yeah, self explanitary

SET Errors "0 --- numbers of errors that it will LOG at once if the game crashes

SET ErrorLevelMin "1" --- min number of errors to log

SET ErrorLevelMax "3" --- max number of errors to log

SET ErrorFilter "all" --- which errors to never log go here

SET debugTargetInfo "0" --- lets you see info about your currently selected target

SET showGUIDs "0" --- enables/disables GUI IDs (which are like tooltips on the GUI)

SET DesktopGamma "0" --- Use desktop gamma levels or not

SET Gamma "1.0" --- In game gamma if UseDesktopGamma is off

SET profanityFilter "1" --- cursing filter on or off

SET SoundBufferSize "100" --- size of the buffer that holds the sound files in memory

SET SoundOutputSystem "-1" --- dunno

SET SoundDriver "-1" --- dunno

SET SoundMixer "-1" --- dunno

SET SoundMinHardwareChannels "-1" --- minimum number of sound channels to use

SET SoundMaxHardwareChannels "12" --- max number of sound channels to use

SET SoundMixRate "44100" --- data rate of sound (in hertz)

SET SoundSoftwareChannels "12" --- SoundMinHardwareChannels except for software sound, not hardware sound

SET SoundInitFlags "128" --- dunno

SET SoundMemoryCache "4" --- Size of memory cache in megabytes

SET mouseInvertYaw "0" --- invert horizontal (or vertical, I dunno difference between pitch, yaw, roll) mouse scrolling

SET mouseInvertPitch "0" --- invert horizontal (or vertical, I dunno difference between pitch, yaw, roll) mouse scrolling

SET camerasmooth "1" --- smoothes the camera movements

SET cameraSmoothingRate "0.5" --- rate at which camera movements are smoothed

SET cameraLinearSpeed "8.33" --- dunno

SET cameraAngularSpeed "180.0" --- dunno

SET cameraAngleA "0" --- initial camera angle?

SET cameraDistanceA "5.55" --- i dunno

SET cameraAngleB "20" --- i dunno

SET cameraDistanceB "5.55" --- dunno

SET cameraAngleC "30" --- dunno

SET cameraDistanceC "13.88" --- dunno

SET cameraAngleD "0" --- dunno

SET cameraDistanceD "13.88" --- dunno

SET EnableGroupSpeech "1" --- enables speech to all those in your party

SET EnableErrorSpeech "1" --- your guess is as good as mine, and I don't have one

SET EnableAmbience "1" --- sets environmental ambience sounds on (like the bubbling of a marsh or the croaking of frogs)

SET MapWaterSounds "1" --- ummm, this one is too complex for me to handle

SET statusBarText "0" --- enables/disables text on the status bar

SET assistAttack "0" --- allows other players to help you fight a single enemy (turn off if you don't want others taking your kills)

SET minimapZoom "0" --- current zoom level on the minimap (there can be 3 I think)

SET minimapInsideZoom "3" --- Which area on the map you're currently centered on

SET combatLogOn "1" --- i dunno

SET UnitNameRenderMode "2" --- how the game shows unit names (try modes 0, 1, 2, 3 to see how else it can render names)

SET PlayerFadeMouseOver "0" --- if enabled, when you mouse over your player, they fade so you can see through them

SET PlayerFadeInRate "4096" --- how fast you fade in

SET PlayerFadeOutRate "4096" --- how fast you fade out

SET PlayerFadeOutAlpha "128" --- the extent to which you can be faded (0 is not at all, 255 is completely transparent)

SET DamageFontHeight "0.035" --- how high the damage numbers fly up before disapearing

SET DamageFontOutline "1" --- something to do with the above

SET DamageFontFadeInTime "200" --- time to fade in for damage numbers

SET DamageFontTotalTime "1200" --- how long the damage numbers live before disappearing

SET DamageFontAscendDistance "7" --- something to do with DamageFontHeight

SET DamageFontCharSpacing "-0.001" --- amount of spacing between the numbers in damage numbers

SET DamageFontConeAngle "0" --- I dunno

SET showsmartrects "0" --- I dunno

SET UnitNamePlayerName "1" --- I would guess that it displays the name of your player or something like that

SET UnitNamePlayerGuild "1" --- I would guess that it displays the guild you're in

SET UnitNamePlayerTitle "1" --- I would guess that it displays your title (aka - duke, lord, etc.)

SET UnitNameUnitName "1" --- something to do with showing enemies' names

SET UnitNameUnitGuild "1" --- shows enemies' guilds

SET UnitNameUnitTitle "1" --- shows enemies' titles

SET UnitNameUnitSummonedBy "1" --- shows the name of the person who summoned a unit above the summoned unit

SET weapontrails "1" --- leaves particle trails behind all weapons

SET ObjectSelectionCircle "1" --- shows or not shows the selection circles on a unit you select

SET DebugTargetPath "0" --- dunno

SET showEffectsStandalone "1" --- dunno

SET CombatLogPartyRange "0" --- how far you can be from someone in your party to log thier messages

SET CombatLogRange "40" --- how far you can be from someone to hear them fight ("playername has casted Blizzard on gnoll")

SET CombatDeathLogRange "60" --- how far you can be from someone to hear them die ("Playername has been slain by a gnoll")

SET CombatLogPeriodicSpells "0" --- dunno this one

SET showfootprints "1" --- it shows yours and other units' footprints in the ground

SET showfootprintparticles "1" --- shows the particles where someone walked (if you're in the desert, it would be the sand that people kicked up while walking)

SET ShowBreath "1" --- shows your player breathing if you're close enough to see it

SET CombatModeMaxDistance "30.0f" --- how far (in feet) you can be from someone to attack them (?)

SET UnitNameRenderOwn "0" --- shows your name above your head if enabled

SET SkyCloudLOD "0" --- sets the level of detail for clouds

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