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Ben ouais, pour ça que je dis : bien fait pour lui s'il se fait démasquer :ouioui:
Ah OK. :merci:

D'un autre côté, certains sont prêts à tout pour créer le buz, ou pour dé-crédibiliser, et peut-être que Cancellara a réellement beaucoup de ressources...

Effectivement, on le voit bien déplacer son bras, mais truquer une vidéo est aisément faisable avec un peu de moyens, et même si cette histoire est infondée au final, çà lui aura fait du tort, même temporairement.

Sceptique... dubitatif... on attend la suite (de l'enquête). :top:

J'ai lu vite fait l'original mais je n'ai toujours pas compris comment ils ont fait pour matérialiser les champs magnétiques (beaucoup de jargon technique...)
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Gros Quick et les reptiliens veulent faire un buzz avec un truc con pour enfin amener l'humanité à une ére de prospérité et de rayonnement intellectuel.
Les industries pharmaceutiques et Alain Delon veulent imposer l'oeuvre de Marc Levy au bac de français pour enfin rendre le pouvoir au Grand Cthulhu.
Les Illuminatis et Bernard Minet veulent émasculer Christophe Maé pour enfin rouler en Ferrari, se faire plein de fille et gagner de l'argent.
Les Francs-Maçons et les talibans veulent porter le slip de Jean-Marie Bigard pour enfin créer une race de super-mutants.
Le FBI et Alain Delon veulent porter le slip de Jean-Marie Bigard pour enfin se faire plaisir, juste pour le fun quoi..
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Voici la transcription de l'anglais.

Welcome to phone mart. How may I help you ?

iPhone 4. Where is the iPhone 4 ? I need an iPhone 4.

Oh, I’m very sorry, but we are currently sold out. However, we did finally get some more HTC Evo’s in.

What ? What is that ? Is it an iPhone ?

No, it is that 4G phone, on Sprint.

If it's not an iPhone, why would I want it ?

Well, it's similiar to an iPhone, but has a bigger screen.

I don’t care.

The internet speeds are around 3 times faster.

I don’t care.

It has a higher resolution camera on both the front and the back.

I don’t care.

And it doesn’t require you to be on Wi-Fi to use video chat.

I don’t care.

Its battery is replaceable, as is the memory card.

I don’t care.

It is highly customisable, everything from the widgets to the icons. The fonts and even has video wallpaper.

I don’t care.

The monthly bill is cheaper.

I don’t care.

It fucking prints money.

I don’t care.

It can grant up to three wishes, even if one of those wishes is for an iPhone.

I don’t care.

It has an app that will build you an island, and it fucking transforms into a jet and flies you there.

I don’t care.

And it's motherfucking indestructible.

I don’t care about any of that.

Okay, fine, then what the hell entices you about the iPhone 4, if you don’t mind me asking ?

It is an iPhone.

You do realize that doesn’t mean anything ? It's a brand. They could put out a fucking brick and call it an iPhone if they wanted too.

Yes. But it's the best phone.

Can you explain how ?

I can download apps to it.

Big fucking deal. My eight year old nieces shitty boost mobile phone has apps on it.

It's 3G, and have the WI-FI’s.

What the fuck, do you even know what that means ?

Hum... It can... I... It... Hum...

Listen, I’m out of the god damn iPhone anyway. I guess if you're fine using AT&T shitty ass network, and don’t mind paying out the ass for the plan and the phone, and also don’t mind having a brand new phone that’s already beyond the curve, then I can put you on our reservation list.

No. I'll just try somewhere else. I have to have it today.

Are you serious ? Not only are you, so bad shit stupid, that you still want this device, you are also so retarded that you think you can just fucking waltz into any store and purchase one on launch day without a pre-order ?


I think... I think I need to go chop off my own dick now. Yes. I think I will. I don’t need my children growing up in a world populated by dipshits like you.

I need an iPhone 4.

Holy fuck. If you don’t leave, I’m going to fucking go find one for you, and shove it so far up your ass.

I want the one with the bigger GB’s.

Oh god. I think I just had an aneurysm. I’m... I’m dying. Are you happy ? Your fucking stupidity has killed me. Now, my god damn cat is homeless. I am no longer alive. I’m dead.

I need the white one. Hello ? I need one now, please. Can you waive the activation fee ? Does it come with a case ? I also need you to hook up my blue-tooth to it. Hello ? Hello ? Fuck it. I’ll go somewhere else. My sister said Walgreen’s has them. Goodbye.

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