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Le Civilization nouveau est arrivé ! Prêt à gaspiller quelques jours / semaines / mois de votre vie sur l'un des jeux les plus complexes de l'univers PC ?

Les nouveautés de cette nouvelle version :

- Des cases hexagonales qui remplacent les cases carrées ( :iloveyou: )

- Une limitation d'une seule unité militaire par case en même temps ( :iloveyou: :iloveyou: :iloveyou: )

- L'introduction des "cités-états", joueurs IA dirigeant une ville unique et qui n'ont pas pour objectif de gagner mais juste de survivre

- Un nouveau système de types de politiques avec l'introduction d'un nouveau type de victoire, accessible quand le joueur atteint les politiques les plus évoluées (projet "Utopia") ( :iloveyou: )

- Des unités qui peuvent se déplacer sur l'eau sans s'emmerder à faire la navette avec un navire de transport ( :iloveyou: :iloveyou: )

- Une interface simplifiée ( :iloveyou: pour les noobs :francais:)

- Etc... Je complèterai la liste après :transpi:

Bref ! Que du bonheur, surtout que je devrais recevoir ceci dans quelques jours maintenant :


Et maintenant hop ! Quelqu'un de dispo pour un petit test du multi ? :francais:

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C'est vrai que si tu veux aller jusqu'au bout des choses y a de quoi faire mais le truc c'est que t'es pas obligé de tout apprendre pour t'amuser, avec les différents niveau d'IA et d'adversaires en ligne disponibles :)

Maintenant c'est sûr que si ton délire c'est de battre le jeu en mode difficile tu risque d'y passer un certain temps :transpi:

Flan t'as vu quelles étaient les limitations de la démo ? un nombre de tours limité ?

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Voilà ce que j'ai trouvé sur les changements de gameplay :

So well then lets step away from speculation and see what has actually been confirmed through the screen shots (Note, I'll only be adding stuff here that has been released and/or confirmed by Firaxis/2K Games/Civfanatics)

CIV's/Leaders/Flavors 17 of 18 Civilizations confirmed




Inca(Confirmed in Swedish PC Gamer through the use of the Quechua Language)

Japan/Oda Nobunaga

China/Wu Zeitein

Arabia/Harun al-Rashid

Mongolia/Genghis Khan



India/Gandhi/City Growth Orientated

England/Elizabeth/Naval Power Orientated

Songhai/Askia/Conquest orientated

Russia/Katherine/City Expansion orientated



Greece/Alexander the Great


Hagia Sofia of Constantinople/Istanbul

The Pyramids and/or The Sphinx of Giza (Shown in trailer at time code 00:16)

Hanging Gardens

The Oracle

Shakespeare's Amphitheater (The Globe Theater) (not known yet if this has been upgraded to a full wonder or is still a national wonder)


City Walls - Gives Defense bonus as well as allowing a ranged attack Shacknews New

Unit Behavior

Now only one each type of unit (Millitary/Air/Economic)hex, this includes cities

Units move 2 Hexs during combat as a base GamerPro

Ranged bombardment

You will be able to swap a unit out with one next to it during battle IGN

Units will take longer to produce than previous civilizations and as well as this they will eventually come to have upkeep costs associated with them potentially reducing the number of units you can maintain at one time. Gamespot

veterancy from Civ4 will be in Civ5 Gamespot

Units are no longer destroyed if they lose a battle The Escapist New

Unit Types





Jaguar Warriors (only concept art, no ingame confirmation)


Terrain Types


Snow, Tundra

Mountains/Hills, Hills provide more Defence

Several types of Forest/Jungle representing the four major land masses of Europe, Asia, Africa & America, wounded units can hide and recover in trees/forests.

Coast/Ocean/Lakes/Rivers Rivers affect those attacking across it.

Luxury Resources

One Luxury Resources is enough for your entire Empire IGN






Strategic Resources

One strategic resources will only allow you to build a limited supply of units that require that resource i.e. one Iron will allow about 5 units bases on Iron IGN



Other Resources



Wheat (2 tiles above the catapults)


Map Improvements

Farms (can now be built on hills)






With a gold down-payment two nations can create a joint research project Computer Bild Spiele

Writing- Unlocks research pacts

Calendar- Needed to see Cotton

Masonry - Allows construction of Walls Gamereactor (time index 2:35)


Cities spread 3 tiles out instead of two

Boarders now only expand at one hex at a time and more difficult terrain will take more time to claim Swedish PC Gamer thought there may be away to use your economy to speed the process up and get a hex before your rivals.

Culturally different City designs Arabic/Asian/African/European Confirmed

There will be "game-specific disadvantages" in having two cities too close togetherGamespot

City States

Provides diplomatic and economic bonuses if pursued correctly, potentially more than what you could get if you took over the city. IGN

Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, Budapest, Florence, Venice confirmed. Updated

The cities states will not grow large nor will they compete to win the game like regular civs.Swedish PC Gamer

The player must choose if he is to be friendly, indifferent or hostile towards a city state. Swedish PC Gamer

Gity States can have different mentalities, for instance a militaristic bent, and thus give different bonuses if you befriend them, like warriors.Gamespot

City States also have their own tech tree's 1Up


Will have their own Tech Tree's at least up until the 20th Century era1Up

Have their own Home City that you must destroy to stop them1Up


Civ 5 Will have a more streamlined interface on the main screen IGN

This will be augmented by an in game notification system that directs you to important issues on the map Gamespot


AI now works on four levels, Tactical (unit battles), Operational (The entire War Front), Strategic (Manages the entire empire) and the Grand Strategic (how to win the game) IGN

Once the Grand Strategic AI determines how they want to win the game, each of the other AI levels work in tandem to reach that end goal. This also allows for the most flexibility when dealing with the changing game.

Victory Types

Conquest - You must conquer a certain amount of your enemies Capital Cities IGN

Other Stuff

Trading items and land

New "Civilisation tree" with three different paths that give special bonuses (more concrete information needed) Computer Bild Spiele

Barbarians will continue to expand and advance untill all of their cites are destroyed Swedish PC Gamer

Civ 5 more moddable than Civ 4 IGN

Advisors make their return to Civ 5 IGN

Golden Ages are confirmed

Culture still plays a part in the game

There will be Fog of War Gamereactor (time index 3:40)New

Changes and/or Omissions from Previous Games

No Technology Trading Computer Bild Spiele

Religion and espionage have been removed

Concernant la démo sur Steam :

Since 45 minutes the american version of civilization 5 and the demo for the rest of the world can be played.

The demo contains 3 different civilizations on a small continents map with standard speed. The demo can be played for 100 rounds, all technologies until the middle ages are available.

Size of the demo is between 1 and 4 GB, depending on what you've downloaded before and can be found under steam://install/65900 on steam. You need to have a steam account to play the demo.

Steam is a online distribution service. You don't have to pay for an account there, but you have to create one. Please read the subscriber agreement before you create an account.

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Les notes améraicaines où le jeu est sorti depuis hier :

Civilization V is coming out tomorrow and it's been getting some pretty impressive scores from major gaming sites and magazines. On, the average score for the game is 93.79% so far (based on 7 reviews). This is slightly higher than the average rating of 93.24% for Civ4.

* IGN - 9/10

* Computer & Video Games UK - 9.3/10

* Gametrailers - 9.4/10

* Game Informer - 9.75/10

* Gaming Nexus - A

PC Gamer (October 2010) - 9.3/10

* The Escapist: 5/5

* Joystiq: 5/5

* Destructoid: 9.5/10

* Wired: 8/10

* Shacknews

* G4 TV: 5/5

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ouais mais bon 65¤ (au lieu de 80¤) ça reste énorme pour une version collector :-/

Surtout pour avoir un artbook, un CD des musiques (que tu pourra surement reprendre depuis le répertoire du jeu en mp3 si c'est fait comme le 4) et puis des figurines qui vont prendre la poussière... Bref je préfère ma version normale à 37 euros que je viens de précommander :D

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J'ai teste la demo. J'étais un peu perdu mais c'est quand même vachement clair.

Le truc qui me fait peur c'est que j'ai pas vu le temps passer, je sens que le week-end va être très productif (ou pas)... :D

A £25 sur je penses pas avoir jeter mon argent par les fenêtres. Par contre ca donne quoi de plus toutes ces versions...

Certains y joue deja en ayant un VPN US ^^

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On va pouvoir se créer une petite communauté Civ 5 sur pcinpact alors :p

Bientot des nuits de baston de civilisation ^^

pffff... Va falloir que je carbure pour finir AC2 et ne pas trop prendre de retard sur Aion xD

Par contre je suis pas certain de l'interet du prix sur amazon uk...

De mémoire 25£ ça doit approcher les 37¤ justement, et il y a des frais de ports avec amazon non ?

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Le truc qui me fait peur c'est que j'ai pas vu le temps passer, je sens que le week-end va être très productif (ou pas)... :D

Je t'avais bien dit que c'était assez chronophage comme truc, je pense que tu commence à comprendre que ce n'était pas un avertissement en l'air :francais:

Et si on fait du multi Vincent va faire des armées de chevaliers pour nous sworder :eeek2::pleure:

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