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Tout ceci sera en collaboration avec "matchmaking".

Left 4 Dead will use the new matchmaking system we've been working on.

The new matchmaking system replaces the traditional server browser. By running

a public dedicated server your server will be added to a list of servers

available for clients to use when playing. Games are started from a Game Lobby

by clients, who are then connected to a dedicated server when they start the

game. When they're done, your server is added back to the list of available

servers. Clients will be able to "Quick Match", "Play Online", and "Play With

Friends" when they want to play a game.

You will still have access to the traditional Message of the Day for your

server. For Left 4 Dead, we've added a banner ad you can create that will be

displayed to clients when they're playing on your server. There is also a

ranking system to show the popularity of your server.

This is the first version of what we've been working on, and we're going to

want feedback from all of you once things start turning up tomorrow.

Pour le moment, apparement impossible de jouer sur un serveur précis. J'espère que ca va changer sinon je voit mal l'avenir des serveur L4D. Plus personne ne voudra posséder de serveur.

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ouai :\

gros problème au niveau de la gestion des serveur et du matchmaking :\

Mais c'est peut être LA remarque principale de la communauté. Donc je pense que ca va changer d'ici la sortie du jeu.

Sinon, en solo, les bot sont un peu passifs mais le reste ca va =) Graphiquement c'est vraiment pas mal

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