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Le Topic des Anglais et des Anglophones


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J'ai pensé que ce serait une bonne idée de créer un topic pour les personnes qui sont ou qui parlent l'Anglais sur ce forum.

Pour ma part je suis un Anglais qui habite en France.

Ce serait peut-être un topic intéressant aussi pour ceux qui ont besoin de traductions, donc ce serait bien si vous pouvez transférer toutes les demandes de traductions ici.

Voici quelques liens pratiques de traduction :


Dictionnaire Français/Anglais TV5

Dictionnaire Anglais/Français TV5

Atlas Sémantique

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Tu habites dans un pays anglophone Populous G.?

In fact, I'm living into the asteroïd belt, between Mars and Jupiter. :D

But I wonder why we aren't speaking english here. ;)

mais y'a pas 10 jours à l'aéroport quand j'attendais l'avion une anglaise m'a encore dit que je parlais un très bon anglais

Well... In fact I have a book in which I have readen a long time ago a text which explained that Britain people where very open-minded with foreigners and don't tell them they need training in their language. But it also explained that the French were very strict about their own language and that such a behavior would never occure in Britain. :mdr2:

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Mais c'est bourré de fautes ça ma foie:

Well... In fact I have a book in which I have readen a long time ago a text which explained that Britain people where very open-minded with foreigners and don't tell them they need training in their language. But it also explained that the French were very strict about their own language and that such a behavior would never occure in Britain.


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Mais c'est bourré de fautes ça ma foie:

Well... In fact I have a book in which I have readen a long time ago a text which explained that Britain people where very open-minded with foreigners and don't tell them they need training in their language. But it also explained that the French were very strict about their own language and that such a behavior would never occure in Britain.


Mon behavior est bon :transpi:, mais c'est vrai que j'ai fait fort avec readen :craint::mdr2:, et pour occure, je l'ai fais totalement au hasard. :chinois:

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