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[arch] patch de noyau rt.


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Voilà, j'utilise pour l'instant rosegarden sur arch.

Alors que le noyau gère le preemt et que /etc/security/limits.conf est configuré pour la mao par défaut, je reçoit ce message à chaque chargement de rosegarden.

La résolution de l'horloge système est trop basse
Rosegarden n'a pas pu trouver d'horloge haute résolution pour l'interprétation MIDI.
Vous pouvez peut-être résoudre ce problème en chargeant le module noyau RTC timer. Pour faire ceci, essayez d'exécuter dans la fenêtre d'un terminal la commande sudo modprobe snd-rtctimer, puis relancez Rosegarden.

Pas de module rtc timer.

J'utilise timidity pour le midi.

Donc, je présume que je doit installer un noyau avec prise en charge du rt.

Il y a dans AUR kernel26-rt, mais celui-ci est basé sur 2.6.26. Le seul patch rt depuis 2.6.26 est 2.6.29-rt3.

Donc, je pense compiler avec ce patch, mais lors de l'opération, j'ai ces messages que j'ai épuré pour ne garder que les messages importants:

[ph11@coincoin linux-]$ bzcat ../patch-2.6.29-rt3.bz2 | patch -p1

patching file Makefile												   
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.													 
1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file Makefile.rej
patching file arch/x86/kernel/check.c									
Hunk #1 FAILED at 83.													
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/x86/kernel/check.c.rej
patching file arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/generic.c							
Hunk #1 succeeded at 33 with fuzz 2.										
Hunk #2 succeeded at 220 with fuzz 2 (offset 28 lines).					 
Hunk #3 succeeded at 236 (offset 28 lines).								 
Hunk #4 succeeded at 355 (offset 28 lines).								 
Hunk #5 FAILED at 400.													  
Hunk #6 FAILED at 412.													  
Hunk #7 succeeded at 426 (offset 7 lines).								  
Hunk #8 succeeded at 461 (offset 7 lines).								  
Hunk #9 succeeded at 488 with fuzz 2 (offset 9 lines).					  
Hunk #10 succeeded at 557 (offset 9 lines).								 
2 out of 10 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/generic.c.rej
patching file arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c												   
Hunk #6 FAILED at 686.																   
Hunk #7 succeeded at 1415 (offset -1 lines).											 
Hunk #8 succeeded at 1441 (offset -1 lines).											 
1 out of 8 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c.rej
patching file arch/x86/kernel/tlb_uv.c												   
Hunk #5 FAILED at 751.																   
1 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/x86/kernel/tlb_uv.c.rej
patching file arch/x86/lguest/boot.c													 
Hunk #3 succeeded at 841 (offset 6 lines).											   
Hunk #4 succeeded at 1003 (offset 6 lines).											  
Hunk #5 succeeded at 1051 (offset 8 lines).											  
Hunk #6 succeeded at 1066 (offset 8 lines).
patching file arch/x86/mm/pat.c
Hunk #5 FAILED at 670.
Hunk #6 succeeded at 709 (offset 1 line).
1 out of 6 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/x86/mm/pat.c.rej
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n]

Ça me semblerait bizarre que ce patch ait déjà été appliqué. Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer le problème ?

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Je pense qu'il suffit de recompiler le noyau avec le paramètre CONFIG_HZ à 1000.

Oui, c'est ce que j'ai fait. Mais le patchage a fonctionné aussi. Je n'ai plus ce problème avec la preemption complète et la fréquence à 1000Hz.

Par contre, il arrive que jackd se plante. Je devrais le backtracer.

Quel outil dois-je utiliser ? gdb ?

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Bon. Je viens d'utiliser les programmes sans faire de bt.

J'utilise jack, timidity et rosegarden.

Voilà ce que me dit jack

$ jackd -R -P 60 -d alsa -d hw:0 -r 48000 -p 128 -n 2 -S   
jackd 0.109.2															   
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.								  
jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY									 
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it			   
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details				  

JACK compiled with POSIX SHM support.
loading driver ..					
apparent rate = 48000
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|128|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|16bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 128 frames (2.7 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback

**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 1239035385217.024 msecs

subgraph starting at rosegarden timed out (subgraph_wait_fd=25, status = 0, state = Running)

Là, je vois un problème entre jack et rosegarden, mais les logiciels ne se tuent pas.

**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 1239035385217.024 msecs

subgraph starting at TiMidity timed out (subgraph_wait_fd=25, status = 0, state = Running)
jackd watchdog: timeout - killing jackd

Ici, pareil, mais avec timidity et là, jack et timidity s'arretent.

$ timidity -iA -B2,8 -Oj -EFreverb=0
TiMidity starting in ALSA server mode
Opening sequencer port: 128:0 128:1 128:2 128:3
Playing time: ~324 seconds
Notes cut: 0
Notes lost totally: 0
^C[phil@Hal-9000 ~]$ timidity -iA -B2,8 -Oj -EFreverb=0
TiMidity starting in ALSA server mode
Opening sequencer port: 128:0 128:1 128:2 128:3

Processus arrêté

Il n'y a rien de spécial ici.

Pour rosegarden, il n'y a rien jusqu'ici:

Composition::getTrackById(0) - WARNING - track id not found, this is probably a BUG /build/src/rosegarden-1.7.3/src/base/Composition.cpp:1533											 
Available track ids are:																	 
Renaming device 0 to General MIDI Device													 
Disconnecting my port 3 from 128:0 on reconnection										   
Connecting my port 3 to 128:0 on reconnection												
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 129:0 TiMidity port 0 (write) requested for device 0																				  
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 128:0 TiMidity port 0 (write) available with fitness 9																					
Renamed 129:3 to General MIDI Device														 
Renaming device 1 to MIDI software device 2												  
Renaming device 2 to MIDI software device 3												  
Renaming device 3 to MIDI software device 4												  
Disconnecting my port 4 from 128:1 on reconnection										   
Connecting my port 4 to 128:1 on reconnection												
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 129:1 TiMidity port 1 (write) requested for device 1																				  
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 128:1 TiMidity port 1 (write) available with fitness 13																				   
Renamed 129:4 to MIDI software device 2													  
Disconnecting my port 5 from 128:2 on reconnection										   
Connecting my port 5 to 128:2 on reconnection												
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 129:2 TiMidity port 2 (write) requested for device 2																				  
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 128:2 TiMidity port 2 (write) available with fitness 13																				   
Renamed 129:5 to MIDI software device 3													  
Disconnecting my port 6 from 128:3 on reconnection										   
Connecting my port 6 to 128:3 on reconnection												
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 129:3 TiMidity port 3 (write) requested for device 3																				  
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 128:3 TiMidity port 3 (write) available with fitness 13																				   
Renamed 129:6 to MIDI software device 4													  
Warning: Composition::~Composition() with 3 observers still extant						   
Observers are: 0x305eca0 [N10Rosegarden19SegmentParameterBoxE] 0x30d3960 [N10Rosegarden17TrackParameterBoxE] 0x316d200 [N10Rosegarden20CompositionModelImplE]							 
SoundDriver::initialiseAudioQueue -- new queue has 0 files								   
cannot complete execution of the processing graph (Ressource temporairement non disponible)  
zombified - calling shutdown handler														 
closed client																				

 ALSA Client information:

128,0 - (TiMidity, TiMidity port 0)		 (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 2, cap 66]
128,1 - (TiMidity, TiMidity port 1)		 (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 2, cap 66]
128,2 - (TiMidity, TiMidity port 2)		 (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 2, cap 66]
128,3 - (TiMidity, TiMidity port 3)		 (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 2, cap 66]

reset plugins

JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK sample rate = 48000Hz, buffer size = 128
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 6 JACK physical outputs				
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out L" to "system:playback_1"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out R" to "system:playback_2"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 2 JACK physical inputs
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_1" to "rosegarden:record in 1 L"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_2" to "rosegarden:record in 1 R"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - initialised JACK audio subsystem
SoundDriver::initialiseAudioQueue -- new queue has 0 files
cannot complete execution of the processing graph (Ressource temporairement non disponible)
zombified - calling shutdown handler
cannot read result for request type 7 from server (Connexion ré-initialisée par le correspondant)
closed client
reset plugins

JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK server not running

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