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Hard drives : je recherche plein d'utilitaires


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alors j'ai besoin :

d'un soft ( ou tuto ) pour passer la barre des 138 giga du bios sur les gros durs pour ( 95/98/2000/xp)

- MAXTOR ( j'ai )



avec si possible un soft constructeur pour chaque...

d'un soft pour régler le taux de bruit/performance des disques durs pour




PCINPACT vous le rendra :roll:

ah aussi le site de western digiatl a l'air hs...... vosui avez un lien ??

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tous les liens vers western digital ne donne rien chez moi .. bizarre


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ici, ça marche bien !

Je te fais un copier/coller

Operating System Partition Limits and Issues

September 2001

With the ever-increasing size of hard drives, your PC's system software occasionally runs into capacity limitations which can appear in various ways: including BIOS limitations, controller card limitations, and operating system limitations.

Recently, Western Digital started shipping our 80 GB hard drive. For drives of this capacity (and higher), several Microsoft Operating System limitations have been identified and confirmed by Microsoft.

Microsoft Windows 95 (all versions) will not properly partition and format a drive larger than 32 GB without a high probability for data loss. Both Microsoft and Western Digital recommend upgrading your Operating System to Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition or Windows Millennium if you are using a drive with a capacity larger than 32 GB. For more information on this limitation, read the Microsoft's Knowledgebase Article Q246818.

Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition also have a limitation with correctly displaying the capacity for drives larger than 64 GB. This limitation does not result in data loss. The partitioning utility FDISK and the formatting utility FORMAT will incorrectly show the capacity of the drive minus 64 GB. For example, if the drive is 80 GB, the capacity is shown as 11 GB. Microsoft has acknowledged this issue and has released a fix for FDISK. More information on the limitation and the FDISK fix can be found by reading Microsoft's Knowledgebase Article Q263044. Please remember that depending on the particular utility used, the capacity of the hard drive can be reported in either in decimal gigabytes, where 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes or in binary gigabytes where 1 GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes. FDISK reports a drive’s capacity in binary gigabytes. A WD800 hard drive’s capacity will be reported as approximately 75 binary gigabytes.

Note: If Western Digital’s Data Lifeguard Tools are used to partition and format the drive, no fixes are required.


The downloadable Data Lifeguard Tools now comes in both DOS and Windows versions and was written specifically for the installation of Western Digital EIDE hard drives. If your computer system already has a hard drive installed with an operating system of Windows 98SE or greater, you should use the Windows version of Data Lifeguard for best results. The DOS version is required if installing a hard drive in a new system without existing operating system support.

New features:

Certified to work on all current WD drives (model numbers starting with "WD")

Friendly user interface and easy to use

GUI Interface Drive Installation Software

Printable tutorial customized to help you optimize your configuration

Improved drive to drive copy capability

(Windows version) Will work with Windows 2000 SP3 and Windows XP SP1 to overcome the 137GB barrier without the need for a controller card


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t'as essayé google ? :roll::eeek2:

Demande à mimi, il a rien d'autre à faire en ce moment... :mdr:

non c'est juste que souvent les gesnon ce genre de lein dans leur favoris :mdr: .;

et puis le charge des packages debian et ça en peut plus ... :D

2 minutes pour ouvrir une page internet :mdr:

ça ira mieux ce soir quand j'aurais fini

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pour regler le bruit sur mon maxtor je me suis servie du soft d'ibm "feature tool 1.9" je crois.

j'en ai pas trouver d'autre et apparament tous les articles qui traite des disque ou qui les testent sur les site harware l'utilise pour toutes les marques de disque.

a ben si ça marche sur tous les durs..

si il en exite 1 spécifique à maxtor :mdr:

je recherche toujours l'utilitaire pour les western digital.. help needed

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