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Heu, tu veux dire "j'ai", ou c'est une blague et j'ai pas suivi :keskidit::-D , ne prenez pas en compte ma remarque si je suis vraiment Hors-sujet ;)

Cf post de -rem-

Yeah, you're totally right gailluron.

The main problem is that teenagers come to pcinpact, write as they usually do with their fuckin' nokia and think everybody will understand. And if people don't understand, they'd better go away... It's selfish, although they count on us to help them to solve their problem. Morevover, they totally forget to write correctly, and overall "how to" write correctly. So we can read things like " Je n'est" or "sa m'enerve". Soon, maybe we'll see something like "g", ask the guy for writting it coorectly, and he'd propably write it "j'est".

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