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[CG] GeForce Ti4200 VS Radeon 9600 SE

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Dans les jeux DX8 la Ti est aussi performante qu'une 9600 Pro, voire légèrement mieux... La SE 2x moins rapide... Et unitilisable dans les jeux massivement DX9 de part sa faible puissance...

c vrai que dans far cry par exemple c la misere avec la ti,mais c pas pour auant que ce serai mieux avec la 9600SE.

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c vrai que dans far cry par exemple c la misere avec la ti,mais c pas pour auant que ce serai mieux avec la 9600SE.

Bon c'est vrai mais faut aussi dire que farcry est super mal optimisé !!

Pi tu aura tjr plus de puissance avec la bonne vielle ti ! c'est le plus important ! de toute facon meme si elle ne gere pas totalement dx9 elle arrache la 9600se nivo puissance ...

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c rassurant de voir que ma carte est pas totalement larguée alors!!!

et g enfin réussi a essayer la démo de farcry ce matin, je suis asez étonné car c vachement bo avec ma config! bon ok on est en 800*600 détails moyens mais ca lague pas et c tout de meme très boooo!

maintenant, je n'ai pas vu ce que ca donne avec une x800pro ou meme une 9800pro, donc si ca se trouve c'été pas top ce que j'ai vu ce matin mais bon :mdr:

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Pff le bus 64 bits tue les perf de la 9600SE...Même la 9000 Pro de mon PC de surf fait mieux...Non, vraiment vaut mieux prendre la GeForce 4 TI 4200

En gros, c'est comme si tu mettais un moteur de 2CV sur une Enzo...La voiture a une joli carosserie de voiture de sport, mais pas le moteur...

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Pff le bus 64 bits tue les perf de la 9600SE...Même la 9000 Pro de mon PC de surf fait mieux...Non, vraiment vaut mieux prendre la GeForce 4 TI 4200

En gros, c'est comme si tu mettais un moteur de 2CV sur une Enzo...La voiture a une joli carosserie de voiture de sport, mais pas le moteur...

Je dirais plutôt que c'est comme mettre des pneus de vélo sur une enzo, avec moteur d'origine... C'est le moteur qui est bridé :transpi:

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Aussi...Sinon pour les optimisations, on peut faire confiance à Carmack pour DOOM III, mais sans doute pas au ventripotant Gabe pour HL²...

Pour DOOM III, voici un mail que j'ai trouvé dans la section développeur de NVidia attestant du bourinisme aigu de John pour rendre des ombres volumétriques avec peu de calculs....

John Carmack on shadow volumes...

I recieved this in email from John on May 23rd, 2000.

- Mark Kilgard

I solved this in a way that is so elegant you just won't believe it.  Here

is a description that I posted to a private mailing list:


I first implemented stencil shadow volumes over two years ago in the

post-Q2 research period.  They looked great until you flew the viewpoint

into one of the volumes, and depending on the exact test you used, either

most of the screen went into negative shadow, or most of the shadows


The classic shadow volume works that stencil shadows are derived from

usually suggest "inverting the test when the view is inside a shadow

volume".  That is not a robust solution, because a non-zero near clip plane

will give situations where the plane is not cleanly on one side or the

other of the view point.  It is also non-trivial to make the "inside a

shadow volume" determination, especially after silhouette optimizations.

The conventional wisdom has been that you will need to clip the shadow

volumes to the view plane and cap with triangles, treating the shadow

volumes as if they were polyhedrons.

I implemented the easy cases of this, choosing to project the silhouette

points to either the far plane of the light's effect or the view plane.

For the clear-cut cases, this worked fine, allowing you to walk in front of

a shadowed object, or look directly at it with the light behind it.

Intermediate cases, where some of the vertexes should project onto the

light plane and some should project onto the view plane could also be

handled, but the cost of all the testing was starting to pile up.

Unfortunately, there are cases when an occluding triangle projects a shadow

volume that will clip to something other than a triangular prism.  There

are cases where real, honest volume clipping must take place.

Anything that requires finding convex hulls in realtime is starting to

sound like a Bad Idea.

I sweated over this for a while, with the code getting grosser and grosser,

but then I had an idea for a different direction.

It should be possible to let the shadow volumes get clipped off at the view

plane like they always do, then find the clipped off areas in image space

and correct them.

The way to find if a volume has been clipped off is to render the shadow

volume with depth testing disabled, incrementing for the front faces and

decrementing for the back faces.  If the stencil buffer ends up with the

original value, the shadow volume is well formed in front of the view volume.

My first attempt to utilize this involved a whole bunch of passes to

determine if it was well formed and combine it with the standard volume

stencil operations.  It was an interesting experiment with masking and

anding in the stencil buffer to perform two operations, but it turned out

that, while it worked for simple shapes, complex shapes needed more

information from the volume clipping than just "well formed" or not.

The next iteration involved attempting to "preload" the standard stencil

shadow algorithm by the number of clipped away planes.  I first drew the

shadow volumes with depth test disabled, incrementing for back sides and

decrementing for front sides.  This finishes with a positive value in the

stencil buffer for each plane that is clipped away at the view plane.  The

normal depth tested shadow volume is drawn next, with the change polarity

reversed, decrementing for back sides and incrementing for front sides.

The areas not equal to the initial clear value are in shadow.

That works all the time.

Later, I realized something else.  The algorithm was now basically:

Draw back sides, incrementing both with depth pass and depth fail.

Draw front sides, decrementing both with depth pass and depth fail.

Draw back sides, decrementing with depth pass and doing nothing with depth


Draw front sides, incrementing both with depth and doing nothing with depth


Rearrange the passes and you get:

Draw back sides, incrementing both with depth pass and depth fail.

Draw back sides, decrementing with depth pass and doing nothing with depth


Draw front sides, decrementing both with depth pass and depth fail.

Draw front sides, incrementing both with depth and doing nothing with depth


It is then obvious that they partially cancel each out and can be combined


Draw back sides, doing nothing with depth pass and incrementing with depth


Draw front sides, doing nothing with depth pass and decrementing with depth


I was shocked.  I went from feeling pretty clever with my unbalanced

preloading algorithm (which I would only apply on surfaces that were likely

to intersect the view plane) to just feeling dumb that I had never seen the

trivial solution before.  Thinking about operating on depth test fails is a

bit non-intuitive, but if you work it through a couple times, what is going

on makes pretty good sense.

Shadows done this way have none of the "fragile" feel that geometric

algorithms tend to give.  You can use them for major occluders in the world

and noclip fly right through them without any problems at all.

Stencil shadows still aren't cheap by any means.  It can cost 3x the

triangle count of the source model (although <2x with some optimizations is

reasonable) per shadowing light, and it can have pathological fill rate

utilization in some cases, like a light shining out horizontally through a

jail cell door.  Still, they are quick operations even if there are a lot

of them.  The vertexes are just bare xyz points without texcoords or color,

and the fill rate is only to the depth/stencil buffer.

There are lots of subtleties to actually using this, like making sure your

shadow volumes are capped on both ends if they need to be (you can often

optimize away the caps based on culling information), making sure that none

of the shadow volumes get clipped off by your far clipping plane (which

would unbalance the count), and all the normal picky silhouette

optimization issues.

Depth buffer based shadows still sound like they have a lot of advantages:

Not much in the way of coding subtleties required.

The performance is more level (fixed fill rate overhead) and theoretically

somewhat faster (only one extra drawing of the surface into the shadow

buffer) in most cases.

They avoid the silhouette finding work that still needs to be done with the

shadow volumes (a per-face dot product and some copying), and don't require

any connectivity information.

Unfortunately, the quality just isn't good enough unless you use extremely

high resolution shadow maps (or possibly many offset passes with a lower

resolution map, although the bias issues become complex), and you need to

tweak the biases and ranges in many scenes.  For comparison, Pixar will

commonly use 2k or 4k shadow maps, focused in on a very narrow field of

view (they assume projections outside the map are NOT in shadow, which

works for movie sets but not for architectural walkthroughs), along with 16

jittered samples of the shadow map for each pixel and occasional hand

tweaking of the bias.

I still want to research the options for cropping and skewing shadow depth

buffer projection planes, but I am now positive that the stencil shadow

architecture works out.

John Carmack

Voila, c'est tout...

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Thomas >>> bien sur que si la 9500 eétait ( eh oui étéait et pas "est" ) très connu .... surtout la pro qui était ( et oui encore "était" ) un 9700pro underclocker .... seulement je te rappelles qu'elle a était remplacée par la 9600 ( parce qu'elle était tros bonne ) et qu'elle n'est plus ni fabriquée , ni commercialisée

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