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GC de Leipzig 2008

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IGN semble emballé, selon le blog le public a très ien réagi au jeu

le gars d'Eurogamer reste neutre, c'est déjà un progrès par rapport à son cynisme depuis le début de la présentation (meme si en effet on a encore vu peu - rien en fait - de nouveautés pour les hardcore gamers...)

Encore Singstar bordel de merde

Sony veut devenir Nintendo ou quoi ?

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Singstar turkish party...erf

ouf, un peu de LBP

un com' du journaliste d'Eurogamers

They're doing the "final touches" and are "doing the beta trials", apparently. "People are creating some truly fantastic things we didn't expect them to do." They can't wait to see what gamers across the world will create. Someone should tell them it will be cocks, for the most part.
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OMG... Sony se tape la honte là... Jeeze... Bon, je vous retranscris tel quel le live blog d'eurogamer (commencez par le bas). Je traduirai plus tard s'il le faut

17:59:10 -

Another cameraman is filming the audience and shining a big light right in our eyes. Why? Just why?

17:58:50 -

"Who could possibly have thought this was a good idea," says editor Phil Elliott, sitting next to me. "Sony," I reply.

17:58:11 -

No idea what is going on here. The TV man doesn't seem to know either. "I have to destroy the bubbles, right?" he says. Yes, says the LBP man. You have to destroy them to get extra costumes. "Every single thing you can see here, you can make yourself."

17:56:38 -

"I'm just going to ignore this guy and carry on," says the LBP man. "I can't understand a word you're saying but you smell beautiful," says the weird TV man. "Go on please with this perfect game."

17:55:25 -

Perhaps this man is big in Germany. Loads of press photographers are now taking pictures. This is weird. Now he's being invited to play LittleBigPlanet. It must be a setup.

17:54:46 -

The TV man tries to talk to the LBP man in German but he doesn't actually speak it. Is this for real?

17:54:31 -

He's interrupted the demo and shaken the hand of the LBP man and the Sony man. They look frightened. There is a lot of German talking going on.

17:54:03 -

We're seeing four Sackboys in what looks like a big tent on the big screen. One's a cowboy, one's a lion, one's wearing a Russian hat and the other one's plain. What's going on? Someone has stormed onto the stage with a camera and microphone.

en gros, des "humoristes" allemands participaient à une mise en scène ringarde pendant la présentation de LBP. De quoi faire rire le public allemand (en partie) et gêner le reste du monde... Ils devraient comprendre que la GDC n'est plus un truc purement allemand mais international (déjà qu'on ne verra pas gears of war 2 car cette saloperie de censure allemande se permet d'interdire le jeu dans ce pays)

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