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Ce serait bien de faire la liste des joueurs comme à fait Mace Windu, mais avec les noms X-Fire :mad2:

Je le rappelle : apupadi2b pour moi :cap:

En cours

Pseudo PCI /Pseudo Xfire

Bad_CrC /thebadcrc

Neworld /neworld

Pg-Rennes /pgxrennes

Rokugan /kobalistor

migreur /?

Mace Windu /pilotemacewindu

Flandix /flanbix

Eldraco /draco201

FrenchyNeo /frenchyneo

Nemesis93_75 /nemesis9375

Amla /vdnamla

apupadi /apupadi2b

Knoech /knoech

Bob63 /bobgamer

*Faites moi part par MP si vous ne voulez pas voir apparaître vos pseudos Xfire

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Oué quoi la médaille pourpre faut éviter... :-D

Historiquement la médaille pourpre est décernée aux combattants ayant été blessés au cours d'une action héroïque ou en ayant laissé la vie en sauvant celle des autres. :-D

Dans BF2, il faut 5 frags et une vingtaine de morts en tenant compte d'un ratio d'un frag toutes les 4 morts. C'est assez simple à avoir quand on se fait spawnkiller sur certaines cartes :zarb:

Tu as aimé ma partie en avion hier en chinois sur wake , apupadi? :-D

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Tu as aimé ma partie en avion hier en chinois sur wake , apupadi? :mdr:

:transpi: Effectivement, un certain [sod] Payday m'a allumé quelque fois, que ce soit à terre ou en hélico :transpi:

Venez sur Karkand que je vous botte les fesses :transpi:

PS : Hier sur la partie j'ai quand même finit avant des Lieutenants, et j'ai pris dans les 25 points. Vu le niveau général (j'étais le moins gradé de la map), c'est pas si mal :p

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Ou ??

et il apporte quoi ??


Community Update - 4/25/06

Attention Soldiers!

Although the 1.3 patch is still being worked on we wanted to provide a peek at what you can expect with the coming release:


Co-op: Co-op Mode allows you to play Single Player levels on the Internet and LAN with both AI controlled bots and human players. Several new options have been created that will allow the server creator to modify how the bots behave in game.

Air dropped vehicles: Squad members can now send a request up the chain of command for a vehicle to be dropped at their location.


Prevented ban list from being cleared in the event of a server crash.

Fixed issue with players not properly ranking up on servers where they continuously play.

Fixed bug where friendly vehicles show up as valid targets.

Friendly Vehicle lock: Lock-on weapons do not lock on to friendly vehicles. The box with an X through it will still appear, but a lock tone will not sound and then if fired, the missile will not track the friendly target.

Keep in mind this is only a part of what 1.3 will include. Our live team is working diligently to provide the best update possible in preparation for the release of the Armored Fury booster pack!

sur aucun site francais j'ai trouvé ^^

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Battlefield 2™: V1.3

ReadMe File

April 25, 2006



Patch v1.3



- Air dropped vehicles:

Squad members can now send a request up the chain of command for a vehicle to

be dropped at their location.

- Co-op:

Co-op Mode allows you to play Single Player levels on the Internet and LAN with

both AI controlled bots and human players. Several new options have been created

that will allow the server creator to modify how the bots behave in game.

Number of Bots: This setting allows you to determine the total number of bots that

will spawn in game.

Bot Ratio: This setting allows you to determine the percentage of total bots that

will spawn for each team. For example, setting this value to 25 means that 25% of

the total bots will spawn in Team 1, and 75% in Team 2. Team 1 is always the MEC,

Chinese, or their allies, while Team 2 is always the USA, EU, and their allies.

Bot Difficulty: This setting determines the skill level of the bots. 10 is easiest,

100 is the most difficult.

- Default Kit Selection:

The kit that you used last is remembered at the beginning of the round and between



- Fixed issues with remote console and linux server

- Prevented ban list from being cleared in the event of a server crash.

- Fixed the bug where helicopters abandoned in the air would continue flying.

- Fixed issue with player not properly ranking up on servers where they continuously


- If the player joins a squad while dead, the player will not be able to use the

squad leader as a spawn point until they have respawned once.

- Flag Capture bar now reacts accurately to players entering the capture radius.

- Fixed bug where friendly vehicles showed as valid targets

- Friendly Vehicle lock: Lock-on weapons do not lock on to friendly vehicles.

The box with an X through it will still appear, but a lock tone will not sound

and then if fired, the missile will not track the friendly target.

- Fixed bug that altered mini map functionality

- Adjusted missile count on BF2SF helicopters.

- Fixed bug with Special Forces rank names.

- Fixed repairing HUD for the engineer when in a vehicle

- Adjusted award criteria

- Fixed a client crash after entering 300 characters into the IP address using

"connect to IP"

- Fixed a tech hang when creating a single player account from an offline account

- Fixed crash when switching from BF2 to BF2:SF (or vice versa)

- Fixed a crash caused when a player is joining a map and another player logs into the same account

- Fixed a Dragon Valley exploit

- Fixed a bug on Zatar Wetlands where AA missiles would not lock onto oil towers

- Fixed a bug that caused the Eurofighter explosion to appear as a Mig-29 wreckage

- Armor Bar removed from occupied machinegun emplacements

- Fixed a bug on Kubra Dam and Zatar Wetlands that caused enemy AA sites to not display in bombing HUD

- Special Forces - Firing crossbow from open vehicle position causes others to see player weapon firing

- Fixed Repair Hud for the engineer when in a vehicle and repairing a team mate vehicles

- Fixed a bug on Strike at Karkand where players were able to get inside a building by Train Accident when FF is turned off

- Fixed the commander toys on Wake Island 2007 so that the US can no longer disable the Chinese artillery

- Fixed a bug in Zatar Wetlands 32 where commander assets were not being properly dropped to the location specified by the User.



Je me suis permis de colorer les points qui me semblent bons, de ceux qui sont une véritable connerie pour le gameplay...

EA bande de CONS ! :eeek2:

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- Fixed the bug where helicopters abandoned in the air would continue flying.

En quoi c'est mal ça?

Sinon pour le squad jumping, je suis dég, le jeu perd un énorme intérêt. Wake va devenir complétement injouable maintenant, et le jeu perd énormement dans le rythme... FU EA...

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Je viens de passer Caporal ;)

J'ai mis "plus tard" pour l'arme à choisir. Je suppose qu'il faut choisir en fonction de son style de jeu et de son "métier" :transpi:

J'ai finis deuxième du serv, mais j'ai pas vu d'étoile ^^ Ca va chier si ils ont oublier de me la mettre :menfin:

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- Fixed the bug where helicopters abandoned in the air would continue flying.

En quoi c'est mal ça?

Tu peux plus faire de leurre, et connaissant EA, l'hélico va te tomber sur la tronche dès que t'aura sauté...

Sinon pour le squad jumping, je suis dég, le jeu perd un énorme intérêt. Wake va devenir complétement injouable maintenant, et le jeu perd énormement dans le rythme... FU EA...

Ça c'est clair, c'est une énorme connerie de leur part.

Et c'est pas que Wake, c'est l'ensemble des maps qui ont une team sans point fixe, que ça soit karkand, wake, dragon valley, ou encore kubra dam. Jusque là on pouvait éventuellement refaire plusieurs squads complet et rattraper de justesse une défaite si l'ennemi prend tous les drapals, mais maintenant c'est strictement impossible... ;)

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