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Frankie Goes To Hollywood -- The Power Of Love


rankie Goes To Hollywood


The Power Of Love

I'll protect you from the hooded claw

Keep the vampires from your door

Feels like fire

I'm so in love with you

Dreams are like angels

They keep bad at bay-bad at bay

Love is the light

Scaring darkness away-yeah

I'm so in love with you

Purge the soul

Make love your goal

*The power of love

A force from above

Cleaning my soul

Flame on burn desire

Love with tongues of fire

Purge the soul

Make love your goal

I'll protect you from the hooded claw

Keep the vampires from your door

When the chips are down I'll be around

With my undying, death-defying

Love for you

Envy will hurt itself

Let yourself be beautiful

Sparkling love, flowers

And pearls and pretty girls

Love is like an energy

Rushin' rushin' inside of me


This time we go sublime

Lovers entwine-divine divine

Love is danger, love is pleasure

Love is pure-the only treasure

I'm so in love with you

Purge the soul

Make love your goal

The power of love

A force from above

Cleaning my soul

The power of love

A force from above

A sky-scraping dove

Flame on burn desire

Love with tongues of fire

Purge the soul

Make love your goal

I'll protect you from the hooded claw

Keep the vampires from your door

J'adore cette chanson..... en plus ca va bien avec mon états en ce moment :francais:

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