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[?] comment utiliser livestreamer car je ne conprend pas

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j'aimerai savoir comment utiliser livestreamer pour pouvoir lire des video avec vlc ou mpv sur mon ordi car il lague un peu sur les site web car il n'est pas très puissant

j'ai télécharger le logiciel ici

puis j'ai télécharger mpv et je l'ai installer directement dans mon disque D de mon ordi

mais je bloque a cette etaple la je ne sais pas comment configurer mpv pour par exemple lire des video youtube en 720p ou en 1080p j'ai vu que ca marche aussi sur daily motion ca marche comment ? et sur arte ?

ou télécharger leurs plugins ? pour avoir acces aux sites qui sont indiquer la ?

voici le contenue de mon fichier quand on installe le logiciel

# Format is option=value. Lines starting with a # is considered comments
# and are ignored.

# By default livestreamer will attempt to locate VLC on your system
# and use that, but you can also specify the location of a player
# yourself.

# Important: You must use a quoted path if there are spaces in the path. This
# is because the player command is parsed like a shell command to allow
# parameters to be passed to the player.

# Here is a few examples of players:

# player="C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
# player="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
# Using --file-caching is recommended, but is only supported in VLC 2.0+
# player="C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --file-caching=5000
# player="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --file-caching=5000

# MPC-HC, must be at least version 1.7 to be used
# player="C:\Program Files (x86)\MPC-HC\mpc-hc.exe"

# MPlayer2
#player=C:\mplayer2\mplayer2.exe -cache 4096

Use this if you want to transport the stream to the player via a named pipe.

Use this if you want to transport the stream to the player via HTTP.

Use this if you want Livestreamer to only pass a URL to your player and
# let it handle the transport of the stream itself.

By default Livestreamer will close the player when stream is over.
Use this option to let the player stay or close itself instead.

# Use this option if you want Livestreamer to keep trying to access
# the stream even if it goes offline or disconnects. Your player must
# support HTTP and its playlist should be set to repeat mode.

# Show console output from the video player

RTMP streams are downloaded using rtmpdump. Full path to the rtmpdump exe
should be specified here.
rtmpdump=C:\Program Files (x86)\Livestreamer\rtmpdump\rtmpdump.exe

# Log level, default is info

Number of threads to use when streaming HLS streams

Number of threads to use when streaming HDS streams

player=D:\mpv.exe -cache 4096

merci d'avancebonjour

j'aimerai savoir comment utiliser livestreamer pour pouvoir lire des video avec vlc ou mpv sur mon ordi car il lague un peu sur les site web car il n'est pas très puissant

j'ai télécharger le logiciel ici

puis j'ai télécharger mpv et je l'ai installer directement dans mon disque D de mon ordi

mais je bloque a cette etaple la je ne sais pas comment configurer mpv pour par exemple lire des video youtube en 720p ou en 1080p j'ai vu que ca marche aussi sur daily motion ca marche comment ? et sur arte ?

ou télécharger leurs plugins ? pour avoir acces aux sites qui sont indiquer la ?

voici le contenue de mon fichier quand on installe le logiciel

# Format is option=value. Lines starting with a # is considered comments
# and are ignored.

# By default livestreamer will attempt to locate VLC on your system
# and use that, but you can also specify the location of a player
# yourself.

# Important: You must use a quoted path if there are spaces in the path. This
# is because the player command is parsed like a shell command to allow
# parameters to be passed to the player.

# Here is a few examples of players:

# player="C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
# player="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
# Using --file-caching is recommended, but is only supported in VLC 2.0+
# player="C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --file-caching=5000
# player="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --file-caching=5000

# MPC-HC, must be at least version 1.7 to be used
# player="C:\Program Files (x86)\MPC-HC\mpc-hc.exe"

# MPlayer2
#player=C:\mplayer2\mplayer2.exe -cache 4096

Use this if you want to transport the stream to the player via a named pipe.

Use this if you want to transport the stream to the player via HTTP.

Use this if you want Livestreamer to only pass a URL to your player and
# let it handle the transport of the stream itself.

By default Livestreamer will close the player when stream is over.
Use this option to let the player stay or close itself instead.

# Use this option if you want Livestreamer to keep trying to access
# the stream even if it goes offline or disconnects. Your player must
# support HTTP and its playlist should be set to repeat mode.

# Show console output from the video player

RTMP streams are downloaded using rtmpdump. Full path to the rtmpdump exe
should be specified here.
rtmpdump=C:\Program Files (x86)\Livestreamer\rtmpdump\rtmpdump.exe

# Log level, default is info

Number of threads to use when streaming HLS streams

Number of threads to use when streaming HDS streams

player=D:\mpv.exe -cache 4096

merci d'avance

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  1. Télécharger VLC en version 3.0 (les versions inférieures bug pour les livestream youtube) :
  2. Télécharger Livestreamer :
  3. Installer VLC ;
  4. Installer Livestreamer ;
  5. Ouvrir le fichier de config de livestreamer (ie. par défaut : C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\livestreamer\livestreamerrc) ;
  6. Si tu as installé la version 32bit de VLC -> Décommenter la ligne "player="C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"" (ie. retirer le croisillon de début de ligne) ;
    Si tu as installé la version 64bit de VLC -> Décommenter la ligne "player="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"" (ie. retirer le croisillon de début de ligne) ;
  7. Rajouter des guillemets autour du chemin de la ligne "rtmpdump" -> 
    rtmpdump="C:\Program Files (x86)\Livestreamer\rtmpdump\rtmpdump.exe"
  8. Windows command prompt -> 


  9. Choisir la qualité du flux que la commande précédente aura listée (exemple : "Available streams: 144p (worst), 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p (best)")
    livestreamer best

Remarques :

  • Les vidéos YouTube protégées ne fonctionneront pas ;
  • J'utilise la version 32bit de VLC. Je n'ai donc testé le fonctionnement de livestreamer qu'avec celle-ci.
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