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- Date de naissance 02/06/1976
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Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
salut, je vais m'acheter un processeur core2duo, est-ce que l'astuce du bios Max CPUID Value Limit = enabled fonctionne bien pour eviter le bug de wow sur les dual core ? (64 fps max, saccades quand l'on tourne sur place). Le patch 1.12 inclut il un fix pour ce probleme ? http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...511053&P=33 -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Serveur La Croisade Ecarlate, côté horde: aes : voleur 60 aese : pretre 60 Mon autre perso n'est plus utilise (serveur silvermoon , amiga). Desole pour le travail milohoffman ;-) -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Bon ben voilà, après 4 jours à Guild wars, j'ai toujours une préférence pour world of warcraft. Pour wow : liberté de déplacement (mais néanmoins une téléportation par heure possible). Bien meilleur son et musiques. ebay (auction house) pour facilement acheter et vendre des armes/armures/objets ... On peut se fier au niveau du monstre (à Guild war un level 4 peut être aussi fort qu'un 8 ). Pour guild wars : Téléportation n'importe quand. Mercenaire, tip top pour se faire un groupe en 2 secondes. Graphismes plus fin et plus d'effets spéciaux. J'aime bien les pouvoirs, c'est la bataille entre perdre et reprendre de l'énergie, et longtemps. Peut-on espérer un world of warcraft 2 ou un guild wars 2 avec les tops des deux ?? -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Je te conseilles de mieux écrire, sinon ça va gueuler. 4 fautes, pas mal. -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
nom : amiga elfe de nuit, guerrier, level 42 (pour le moment ;-)) serveur : silvermoon (anglais). -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Je vais essayer. -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
J'ai bien trouvé ça, mais bon, rien pour ma mémoire ... (à part pour le son): We can define some parameters in the config.wtf file, but nothing concerning the memory, grrr ! Look at this: Note : All of the below comments on the workings of these commands are purely guesses and are based on past experiences with other games' console commands. SET hwDetect "0" --- Sets if WoW checks your video card drivers every time it starts up. SET lod "1" --- Dunno, but LOD always stands for "Level of Detail" SET fullAlpha "1" --- Disables or enables Alpha on everything (slower computer, 0, faster computer, 1)(only use if resoloution ends in 32) SET doodadAnim "0" --- Determines if the doodads have animations (off, doodads don't move, slower computers, on for faster computers) SET mapShadows "1" --- I would say that this adds shadows to the minimaps SET lightMaps "(null) --- This enables or disables lightmaps (make shadows look more real) SET lodDist "100.000000" --- As your character gets farther away from things, they look less and less real. This sets the distance where the LOD begins to degrade. SET SmallCull "0.040000" --- Something to do with Culling SET DistCull "500.000000" --- Also to do with Culling, I dunno what it is, but it has something to do with 3d models SET MaxLights "4" --- Set higher to allow more light sources, for faster computers and more complex shadows SET shadowLevel "0" --- This sets the level of complexity for shadows SET alphaLevel "0" --- This sets the initial alpha levels of objects before other alpha layers are added (guess) SET texLodBias "0.5" --- This probably makes the textures look less real farther away (value sets amount to degrade quality at large distances) SET trilinear "1" --- Enables trilinear filtering SET frillDensity "24" --- Dunno SET farclip "450.000000 --- Sets max viewable distance for any object, you can never see farther than this number SET nearclip "0.1 --- Keep this at 0.1 but it sets the minimum camera clipping distance (you can't see closer than this number to the camera) SET specular "1" --- Adds specular (light reflections) to objects (for faster comps) SET pixelShaders "1" --- Adds pixel shaders (also for faster comps) SET particleDensity "1.000000" --- For all the particle emitters, sets the density scaling value SET unitDrawDist "120.000000" --- Max distance you can see another player or creep (the server sets this for you) SET waterLOD "0" --- Level of detail in the water SET baseMip "0" --- first mip-mapping level, textures become blurry at a distance with higher numbers in this value SET anisotropic "1" --- sets anisotropic filtering on or off SET textureLodDist "777.0" --- I think something to do with the distance at which texture LOD begins to degrade SET horizonfarclip "2112" --- How far away the horizon is from your character (similar to FarClip value) SET ErrorFileLog "0" --- yeah, self explanitary SET Errors "0 --- numbers of errors that it will LOG at once if the game crashes SET ErrorLevelMin "1" --- min number of errors to log SET ErrorLevelMax "3" --- max number of errors to log SET ErrorFilter "all" --- which errors to never log go here SET debugTargetInfo "0" --- lets you see info about your currently selected target SET showGUIDs "0" --- enables/disables GUI IDs (which are like tooltips on the GUI) SET DesktopGamma "0" --- Use desktop gamma levels or not SET Gamma "1.0" --- In game gamma if UseDesktopGamma is off SET profanityFilter "1" --- cursing filter on or off SET SoundBufferSize "100" --- size of the buffer that holds the sound files in memory SET SoundOutputSystem "-1" --- dunno SET SoundDriver "-1" --- dunno SET SoundMixer "-1" --- dunno SET SoundMinHardwareChannels "-1" --- minimum number of sound channels to use SET SoundMaxHardwareChannels "12" --- max number of sound channels to use SET SoundMixRate "44100" --- data rate of sound (in hertz) SET SoundSoftwareChannels "12" --- SoundMinHardwareChannels except for software sound, not hardware sound SET SoundInitFlags "128" --- dunno SET SoundMemoryCache "4" --- Size of memory cache in megabytes SET mouseInvertYaw "0" --- invert horizontal (or vertical, I dunno difference between pitch, yaw, roll) mouse scrolling SET mouseInvertPitch "0" --- invert horizontal (or vertical, I dunno difference between pitch, yaw, roll) mouse scrolling SET camerasmooth "1" --- smoothes the camera movements SET cameraSmoothingRate "0.5" --- rate at which camera movements are smoothed SET cameraLinearSpeed "8.33" --- dunno SET cameraAngularSpeed "180.0" --- dunno SET cameraAngleA "0" --- initial camera angle? SET cameraDistanceA "5.55" --- i dunno SET cameraAngleB "20" --- i dunno SET cameraDistanceB "5.55" --- dunno SET cameraAngleC "30" --- dunno SET cameraDistanceC "13.88" --- dunno SET cameraAngleD "0" --- dunno SET cameraDistanceD "13.88" --- dunno SET EnableGroupSpeech "1" --- enables speech to all those in your party SET EnableErrorSpeech "1" --- your guess is as good as mine, and I don't have one SET EnableAmbience "1" --- sets environmental ambience sounds on (like the bubbling of a marsh or the croaking of frogs) SET MapWaterSounds "1" --- ummm, this one is too complex for me to handle SET statusBarText "0" --- enables/disables text on the status bar SET assistAttack "0" --- allows other players to help you fight a single enemy (turn off if you don't want others taking your kills) SET minimapZoom "0" --- current zoom level on the minimap (there can be 3 I think) SET minimapInsideZoom "3" --- Which area on the map you're currently centered on SET combatLogOn "1" --- i dunno SET UnitNameRenderMode "2" --- how the game shows unit names (try modes 0, 1, 2, 3 to see how else it can render names) SET PlayerFadeMouseOver "0" --- if enabled, when you mouse over your player, they fade so you can see through them SET PlayerFadeInRate "4096" --- how fast you fade in SET PlayerFadeOutRate "4096" --- how fast you fade out SET PlayerFadeOutAlpha "128" --- the extent to which you can be faded (0 is not at all, 255 is completely transparent) SET DamageFontHeight "0.035" --- how high the damage numbers fly up before disapearing SET DamageFontOutline "1" --- something to do with the above SET DamageFontFadeInTime "200" --- time to fade in for damage numbers SET DamageFontTotalTime "1200" --- how long the damage numbers live before disappearing SET DamageFontAscendDistance "7" --- something to do with DamageFontHeight SET DamageFontCharSpacing "-0.001" --- amount of spacing between the numbers in damage numbers SET DamageFontConeAngle "0" --- I dunno SET showsmartrects "0" --- I dunno SET UnitNamePlayerName "1" --- I would guess that it displays the name of your player or something like that SET UnitNamePlayerGuild "1" --- I would guess that it displays the guild you're in SET UnitNamePlayerTitle "1" --- I would guess that it displays your title (aka - duke, lord, etc.) SET UnitNameUnitName "1" --- something to do with showing enemies' names SET UnitNameUnitGuild "1" --- shows enemies' guilds SET UnitNameUnitTitle "1" --- shows enemies' titles SET UnitNameUnitSummonedBy "1" --- shows the name of the person who summoned a unit above the summoned unit SET weapontrails "1" --- leaves particle trails behind all weapons SET ObjectSelectionCircle "1" --- shows or not shows the selection circles on a unit you select SET DebugTargetPath "0" --- dunno SET showEffectsStandalone "1" --- dunno SET CombatLogPartyRange "0" --- how far you can be from someone in your party to log thier messages SET CombatLogRange "40" --- how far you can be from someone to hear them fight ("playername has casted Blizzard on gnoll") SET CombatDeathLogRange "60" --- how far you can be from someone to hear them die ("Playername has been slain by a gnoll") SET CombatLogPeriodicSpells "0" --- dunno this one SET showfootprints "1" --- it shows yours and other units' footprints in the ground SET showfootprintparticles "1" --- shows the particles where someone walked (if you're in the desert, it would be the sand that people kicked up while walking) SET ShowBreath "1" --- shows your player breathing if you're close enough to see it SET CombatModeMaxDistance "30.0f" --- how far (in feet) you can be from someone to attack them (?) SET UnitNameRenderOwn "0" --- shows your name above your head if enabled SET SkyCloudLOD "0" --- sets the level of detail for clouds -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Alors, personne ?????????? -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Serait-il possible de changer la gestion de la mémoire par wow ? En effet, j'ai 1.5 GO de ram, mais wow se cantonne a n'uiliser que 500 Mo. J'aimerai bien qu'il garde en mémoire les persos de iron forge par exemple, car le disque dur ralentit bien le jeu. -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
En pleine action -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Ha oui, ma seconde héroïne à Stormwind city -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Quel est le problème, le cd n'est pas nécessaire pour jouer .... -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
Sexy mon Elf, non ? -
Centralisation World of Warcraft
xixou2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de milohoffman dans Jeux vidéo, Consoles, Rétrogaming et Jeux occasionels
"Chère amie elfe, auriez-vous l'amabilité de m'aider à éviscérer 15 jeunes sangliers des chardons, monnayant une belle récompense ?" plutôt que "tu pe médé a tué des cochon stp" :8