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Spirit wolf

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Messages posté(e)s par Spirit wolf

  1. Bon j'ai hésité a le faire, mais bon, voila ma présentation de demain, en anglais... Rigolez pas, je suis nul en anglais...

    Year 1930. A gunfire shatters the still of the french campaigns: the last wolf has just been shot down. Man got rid of an embarrassing animal because it was socially advanced and had always resisted the human domination. 60 years later, in 1993, the wolf's return is officialized in France, and immediately voices start rising. But why does a simple animal unchain so many passions ?

    I) Historical of its return

    Contrary to rumors launched by hunters and shepherds, wolves haven't been reintroduced, but came back themselves from Italy, where more than 500 wolves live. The studies carried out in this country shows that the wolf have gradually recolonized the north of Italy since 1974, until it’s settled in nearness of Cunéo (as know under the name of Coni), near French border in 1991. It is during this same year that indices let believe in its presence in France.

    November, the fifth nineteen ninety-two (1992), 2 wolves are seen in “Vésubie-Tinée” by 4 Mercantour national park guards during the counting of the chamois. A pack is now setting there which currently counts 6 to 8 wolves.

    Then wolves settle in "Vésubie-Roya" in 1994. 5 to 6 wolves live there today.

    The "Haute Linnée" is occupied since 1996, like in "High-Roya", this last pack living at Italy en French border.

    More recently, a pack has won the queyras.

    Since, individuals were located in “Maurienne”, “Isère”, “Dévoluy”, or in “Alpes de Haute Provence”, in “Savoie” and in “vercors”.

    Several factors contributed to this return :

    significant forest cover (especially since the rural migration and the abandonment of many cultures and pastures areas),

    mountainous area with low density of population,

    presence of many wild ongulés...

    But this return doesn't come without problems.

    II) The case of the shepherds and the breeders

    From the official announcement of the presence of the wolf in France, hunters, breeders and shepherds shouted at wolf. For them, pastoralism and presence of wolf are absolutely incompatible, they are according to say : "it’s the wolf, or us". For the shepherds, the wolf is a predator, therefore it attacks the cattle, therefore it doesn’t have its place in mountain and must be consequently exterminated.

    And it’s true, the wolf is the cause of attacks on the flocks. In 2005, 3660 heads of cattle were compensated : either because the death of the mutton is directly attributable to the wolf, or because several animals taking fear jump into space or, and that is a big problem, attacks of strays dogs were interpreted like attacks of wolves. This last point is extremely important, because in 2001, the strays dogs caused the death of 20.000 animals on the same zone of presence of the wolf. If in more, we take the diseases into account, the wolf is at the origin of the death only from 1 at 2% of the sheep in France.

    Moreover, we can ask a simple question : how make the breeders in Italy, where live more than 500 wolves, and more in still the Spanish breeders who be next to 2000 at 2500 wolves when the France counts only hardly one hundred individuals... Why countries which count more wolves have less problems ?

    The main explanation is due to the way that in Spain and in Italy, the shepherds cohabited from time immemorial with the wolf and consequently have learned how to live with. Moreover, they developed methods of protection of the herds which allow to very appreciably reduce the number of attacks. Among these methods, the most current consist in keep watch on the herds by specifically drawn up dogs. In these two countries, in some exceptions near, 100% of the animals are under such protection when in France, this figure is lower than 50%. That may be added than Italian and Spanish shepherds consider the few residual attacks to be integral part of the craft.

    Besides that, the compensations in the event of wolf attacks are biggest than those versed are given when it’s a wandering dog. And for the case of the hunters, they protest arguing that wolf hunts chamois and others ongulés, reducing by that even the hunting quotas and thus their trophies.

    III) What the law says

    Now, if we are taking an interest in the applicable laws, we’ll see that it is protected on several levels. Firstly, on the national level, by an interministerial decree signed on October 10, 1996. This text modifies an older decree of 1981. Then Europe intervenes, through directive of 1992 where wolf is recognized like a "Community interest animal species".

    Lastly, remind us that France is signatory of the Bern convention of 1979. The wolf appears like a strictly protected species.

    In all cases, exemptions exist. So, if the wolf causes significant damage with the breeding, a demolition is possible if there isn’t cast doubt on the viability of the wolf population which is present.


    The return of the wolf in France is a reality and it recovers little by little its territory of which it had been exterminated. And at the same time recurred fierce. In one part, the pro-wolf, and in second, the anti-wolf. According to a SOFRES survey of 1995, 80% of the population are in it favour.

    Nature reasserts itself. Have been right to again deprive it ?

  2. Je tiens a remercier himura, j'ai pris en compte tes modif et continué à avancer :

    Year 1930. A gunfire shatters the still of the french campaigns: the last wolf has just been shot down. Man got rid of an embarrassing animal because it was socially advanced and had always resisted the human domination. 60 years later, in 1993, the wolf's return is officialized in France, and immediatly voices start rising. But why does a simple animal unchain so many passions ?

    1) The reasons of the wolf's presence in France

    Contrary to rumors launched by hunters and shepherds, wolves haven't been reintroduced, but came back themselves from Italy, where more than 500 wolves live.

    But this return doesn't come without problems.

    II) The case of the shepherds and the breeders

    From the official announcement of the presence of the wolf in France, hunters, breeders and shepherds shouted at wolf. For them, pastoralism and presence of wolf are absolutely incompatible, they are according to say : "it’s the wolf, or us". For the shepherds, the wolf is a predator, therefore it attacks the cattle, therefore it doesn’t have its place in mountain and must be consequently exterminated.

    And it’s true, the wolf is the cause of attacks on the flocks. In 2005, 3660 heads of cattle were compensated : either because the death of the mutton is directly attributable to the wolf, or because several animals taking fear jump into space or, and that is a big problem, attacks of strays dogs were interpreted like attacks of wolves. This last point is extremely important, because in 2001, the strays dogs caused the death of 20.000 animals on the same zone of presence of the wolf. If in more, we take the diseases into account, the wolf is at the origin of the death only from 1 at 2% of the sheep in France.

    Moreover, we can ask a simple question : how make the breeders in Italy, where live more than 500 wolves, and more in still the Spanish breeders who be next to 2000 at 2500 wolves when the France counts only hardly one hundred individuals... Why countries which count more wolves have less problems ?

    The main explanation is due to the way that in Spain and in Italy, the shepherds cohabited from time immemorial with the wolf and consequently have learned how to live with. Moreover, they developed methods of protection of the herds which allow to very appreciably reduce the number of attacks. Among these methods, the most current consist in keep watch on the herds by specifically drawn up dogs. In these two countries, in some exceptions near, 100% of the animals are under such protection when in France, this figure is lower than 50%. That may be added than Italian and Spanish shepherds consider the few residual attacks to be integral part of the craft.

    disosn que ca fait maintenant 1/3 de mon exposé... J'ai encore du boulot, et a coté de ca, j'ai 3 compte rendus de TP a faire, un controle d'anglais (encore et toujours) à préparer, un dossier à faire sur la morphologie des deltas et enfin un bouleau sur une réunion publique a faire... Le tout a faire pour 2 à 3 semaines sans oublier mes partiels qui arrivent bien entendu ^^

    PS : La partie I n'est pas encore écrite, ne vous étonnez pas qu'elel ne fasse qu'une seule page... Pour info, c'est ce sur quoi bossais titelouve ce matin, elle m'a trouvé un max d'infos, donc je vais commencer la rédac de la partie I... Merci mon petit coeur, t'es trop forte :francais:

  3. Sujet au choix, mais comme je fais des études en environnement, on doit choisir un sujet en rapport... Donc j'ai choisi : "le retour du loup en france".

    Dans 5min, je peux pvous poster ce que j'ai déjà fais..

    Et voila le début de mon travail :

    Years 1930, a detonation resounded in the French campaigns, the last wolf of France is shoots down. The Man got rid of an awkward animal because socially advanced bus and which had known to resist the human domination. 60 years later, in 1993, the return of the wolf in France is officialized, the spirits ignite immediately. But for which reasons does a simple animal unchain so much the passions ?

    I) The reasons of the presence of the wolf in France

    Contrary to a debate launched by the hunters and the breeders, the wolf was not reintroduced but came by itself from Italy which counts more than 500 wolves.

    But this return isn’t made without clashes...

    II) The case of the shepherds and the breeders

    From the official announcement of the presence of the wolf in France, hunters, breeders and shepherds shouted at wolf. For them, pastoralism and presence of wolf are absolutely incompatible, they are according to say : "it’s the wolf, or us". For the shepherds, the wolf is a predator, therefore it attacks the cattle, therefore it doesn’t have its place in mountain and must be consequently exterminated.

    And it’s true, the wolf is the cause of attacks on the flocks. In 2005, 3660 heads of cattle were compensated : either because the death of the mouton is directly attributable to the wolf, or because several animals taking fear jump into space or, and that is a big problem, attacks of strays dogs were interpreted like attacks of wolves. This last point is extremely important, because in 2001, the strays dogs caused the death of 20.000 animals on the same zone of presence of the wolf. If in more, we take the diseases into account, the wolf is at the origin of the death only from 1 at 2% of the sheep in France.

    Moreover, one can ask a simple question : how make the breeders in Italy, where live more than 500 wolves, and more in still the Spanish breeders who be next to 2000 at 2500 wolves when the France counts only hardly one hundred individuals... Why countries which count more wolves have less problems ?

  4. Bon j'ai presque honte de poster ma tour après les belles que j'ai pu voir dans ce topic, mais bon...

    J'adore les avions de chasse, et tout particulièrement le F-14 Tomcat, donc voici mon boitier (vieux d'environ 2ans) :

    Une vue générale :


    Une vue plus rapprochée, pour voir un peu l'intérieur et la découpe :


    Et enfin une petite vue de nuit :


    Et merci au nouveau modo de la section de m'avoir convaincu de poster ces photos ici :incline:

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