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Messages posté(e)s par INpact_Karbon

  1. Bien content pour toi Terminou :keskidit:

    J'ai un problème grave! Depuis le 14 avril Fah4 essaye de renvoyer le résultat d'un calcul mais ça marche pas! :byebye::francais:

    Il me marque ça:

    Arguments: -send 9

    [17:13:17] - Ask before connecting: No

    [17:13:17] - User name: [iNpact] Karbon (Team 51)

    [17:13:17] - User ID = 3189F2F0198E130

    [17:13:17] - Machine ID: 1


    [17:13:18] Loaded queue successfully.

    [17:13:18] Attempting to return result(s) to server...

    [17:13:18] + Attempting to send results

    [17:13:27] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

    [17:13:27] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

    [17:13:27] ( c'est le bon?

    [17:13:27] - Error: Could not transmit unit 09 (completed April 15). Keeping unit in queue.

    [17:13:27] - Failed to send unit 09 to server

    Folding@home Client Shutdown.

    edit: C'est une 1006...

    (Si ToTOW ou Jwhy passent par là!)

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