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je voudrai connaitre les ports TCP ET UDP sortant a ouvrir sur un pare feu pour faire fonctionner MSN, j'ai actuellement ouvert les ports TCP 1863, 6891-6900 mais je n'arrive toujours pas a me connecter ...

j'ai cherche sur le net mais il y a toujours des reponses differents


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A priori il ya des ports dynamiques...

Tu peux essayer de jetter un oeil ICI pour avoir plus de détails...

** Edit ***

Je viens de trouver ça :

Windows and MSN Messenger Application

A related note: the Messenger Service that runs at the Windows SERVICE level is different from the Windows Messenger or MSN Messenger application. For information about the Messenger APPLICATION see

* For file transfer or voice chat ports and NAT information for MSN Messenger 3 see MS Support article Q278887.

* Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q324214 - You cannot make phone calls or start voice or video conversations with Windows Messenger

* Windows Messenger 5.0 in Windows XP: Working With Firewalls and Network Address Translation Devices

* Microsoft Support WebCast - Microsoft Windows Messenger for Windows XP: New Features, Common Issues, and Troubleshooting July 17, 2002

Service TCP UDP Notes

Windows Messenger - voice (computer to phone) 2001-2120, 6801, 6901 from Q324214. NOTE: 6801 is Net2Phone.

MSN Messenger - file transfers 6891-6900 from Q278887. Allows up to 10 simultaneous transfers.

MSN Messenger - voice communications (computer to computer) 6901 6901 from Q278887

For Windows Messenger in a non-UPnP environment, unfortunately Microsoft requires dynamic UDP ports across a very wide range. This is a tremendous security risk. Try to establish a UPnP environment if possible. Nevertheless, here is what they say To support [audio and video] in both directions through the firewall, all UDP ports between 5004 and 65535 must be opened to allow signaling (SIP) and media streams (RTP) to traverse the firewall.

Also note: I don't know how much information for WINDOWS Messenger applies to MSN Messenger and vice versa. I also don't know how much information for MSN Messenger Windows version applies to MSN Messenger Mac version. And last but not least, there are multiple different versions of Messenger, which may differ in various ways.

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