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[CG] problem twinview sous mandriva 2006


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Bonjour a tous,

après avoir largement ecumer le web pour trouver la solution a mon problem j'ai fini par tomber sur le cite de PCINpact.

Je suis un nouvel utilisateur de linux. J'ai une carte graphique NVIDIA Gforce 2 mx avec sortie TV. J'ai reussi a installer le driver NVIDIA mais je n'arrive pas a fair marcher ma sortie TV...

Apres de multiples recherches et quelques plantages du serveur X j'en sui arriver ici:

j'ai ajouter les lingnes suivantes dans la section DEVICE du fichier xorg.conf:

Option "TwinView" "yes"

Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "30-50"

Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "60"

Option "Metamodes" "1280x1024, 800x600"

Option "TwinViewOrientation" "Clone"

Option "TVStandard" "PAL-N"

Option "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE"

le serveur X demar correctement mais rien sur la TV, dans la section DISPLAY DEVICE de nvidia-settings seul mon ecran "d'origine" aparait, de plus lorsque j'etein mon PC pendan toute la sequence ou il s'etein l'ecran (du PC toujours rien sur la TV) affiche un brouillard de motifs pseudo carrés noir et blanc.

Si quelqu'un peu m'aider sa serait simpa.

Merci d'avance, et meme si j'ai installer twinview en 5min sous XP je suis très satisfait de linux!!!!!!!!! :ouioui:

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pour plus de detaille voici l'integralitéé de mon fichier xorg.conf:

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig

# nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder3) Wed Mar 29 14:43:26 PST 2006

# File generated by XFdrake.

# **********************************************************************

# Refer to the XF86Config man page for details about the format of

# this file.

# **********************************************************************

Section "ServerLayout"

Identifier "layout1"

Screen "screen1" 0 0

InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"

InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"


Section "Files"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)

# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of

# the X server to render fonts.

FontPath "unix/:-1"


Section "Module"

Load "dbe" # Double-Buffering Extension

Load "v4l" # Video for Linux

Load "extmod"

Load "type1"

Load "freetype"

Load "glx" # 3D layer


Section "ServerFlags"

#DontZap # disable <Crtl><Alt><BS> (server abort)

#DontZoom # disable <Crtl><Alt><KP_+>/<KP_-> (resolution switching)

# allows the server to start up even if the mouse does not work

Option "allowmouseopenfail"


Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Keyboard1"

Driver "keyboard"

Option "XkbModel" "pc105"

Option "XkbLayout" "fr"

Option "XkbOptions" "compose:rwin"


Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse1"

Driver "mouse"

Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"

Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"

Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"


Section "Monitor"

# Monitor preferred modeline (60.0 Hz vsync, 64.0 kHz hsync, ratio 5/4)

Identifier "monitor1"

VendorName "Plug'n Play"

ModelName "Philips 190B"

HorizSync 30.0 - 83.0

VertRefresh 56.0 - 76.0

ModeLine "1280x1024" 108.0 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync

ModeLine "768x576" 50.0 768 832 846 1000 576 590 595 630

ModeLine "768x576" 63.1 768 800 960 1024 576 578 590 616


Section "Device"

Identifier "device1"

Driver "nvidia"

VendorName "nVidia Corp."

BoardName "NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)"

Option "TwinView" "yes"

Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "30-50"

Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "60"

Option "Metamodes" "1280x1024, 800x600"

Option "TwinViewOrientation" "Clone"

Option "TVStandard" "PAL-N"

Option "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE"


Section "Screen"

Identifier "screen1"

Device "device1"

Monitor "monitor1"

DefaultDepth 24

Option "DPMS"

SubSection "Display"

Virtual 1280 1024

Depth 8


SubSection "Display"

Virtual 1280 1024

Depth 15


SubSection "Display"

Virtual 1280 1024

Depth 16


SubSection "Display"

Virtual 1280 1024

Depth 24



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