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pb k8n et instal XP sur sata

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j'ai un gros probleme :

j'installe le pc d'un copain.

config: k8ne-deluxe /amd64 3000+ /DD maxtor 120g sata

j'essaye d'installer XP pro deçu , mais impossible meme en faisant la disquette avec les drivers sata du CD de la CM et F6 lors de l'instal.

il me jete avec un " c0000221 unknow hard error \systemroot\system32\ntdll.dll"


j'utilise les bons drivers ?

je connecte le sata au bon endroit ?

le bios doit il etre configuré d'une certaine facon ?

si quelqu'un a une solution , une idée ,qu'il n'hesite pas...

merci d'avance.

a+ et bon upgrade

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oui j'ai lu ton post.

on n'est pas sorti de l'auberge !!!

a titre info j'ai trouve un lien pour une soluce en anglais mais je ne suis pas fort en anglais.

peut-etre que toi un peu plus.

Pour ceux qui aurait des problèmes d'installation avec leur disque dur SATA en RAID 0,1,0+1 ou sans RAID, voiçi la marche à suivre (en anglais mais c'est pas dur de comprendre) que j'ai moi même suivi et qui marche nikel !

>> Single Drive Setup <<

1. Hook up the drive to serial port 1/2/3/4. There has been issues around with people using SATA port 1 and 2 in regards to overclockability. If possiblealways use SATA port 3 or 4 unless doing a Raid 0+1 or 1 where 4 are required.

2. Very first thing we will do is boot into the BIOS and go into “Standard CMOS Features”

3. Check to make sure your drive is located on what SATA channel you have the drive plugged into

4. Go into “Integrated Peripherals”

5. Press ENTER on “Onboard Devices”

6. Press ENTER on “RAID Config”

7. Locate the “SATA1/4 RAID” make sure whatever port it is plugged into is enabled.

8. Return to “Onboard Devices” menu

9. Locate the SATA1/SATA2 – SATA3/SATA4 and enable the option that corresponds with your drive.

10. From here we will exit/save

11. Upon posting you will now see the NVIDIA Raid Bios and press F10 to enter.

12. Here you will see your new drive located on the left side of the 2 panels “Free Disks” and “Array Disks”.

13. Simply hit the right arrow key and the drive will shoot over from the left to the right side.

14. Make sure the “RAID Mode” is Mirroring and Striping Block at 64k or Optimal. Hit F7 (Finish)

15. You will now see an “Array List”; as long as the drive is listed as healthy we are good.

16. CTRL-X to Exit. The computer should reboot.

17. We need to go directly into the bios right after the system posts.

18. Go into “ Advanced BIOS Features”


When you have a serial hard drive hooked up to this motherboard ahd have arrived at this point you will be able to go into “Hard Disk Boot Priority”. Please go in here and you will see NVIDIA Stripe here. Please make sure this is the top #1 option with your page up/down to select this.

19. You will want first boot device to be CD-ROM for Windows XP/2k installs.

20. You will want the second boot device to read HARD DRIVE; this corresponds to the “Hard Disk Boot Priority List”.

21. Save/Exit

22. As most of you know when you enter the Setup for Win2k/WinXP you will need to hit F6 to load additional drivers for other SCSI devices.

23. When you arrive at the “Press S” menu please make sure you load BOTH of the NVIDIA SCSI/Storage drivers.

This means you will load "NVIDIA RAID CLASS DRIVE" hit <Enter> then hit S again and select "Nvidia Nforce Storrage Controller" hit <Enter>

You must do this step or windows has no idea what you want it to search for in regards to possible storage space.

From here you should be able to complete the install of Windows XP/2K fine. You can go into the bios and make “hard drive” first boot if you wish now.

Multiple Drive Arrays Setup

Raid 0

Raid 1

Raid 0+1

1. Hook up the drives to serial port 1/2/3/4. You will experience a better overclock if you plan to do so. Put the drive on ports 3 or 4. For 0+1 1/2/3/4 will be used and overclocking will not be as likely.

2. Very first thing we will do is boot into the BIOS and go into “Standard CMOS Features”

3. Check to make sure your drive is located on what SATA channel you have the drive plugged into

4. Go into “Integrated Peripherals”

5. Press ENTER on “ Onboard Devices”

6. Press ENTER on “RAID Config”

7. Locate the “SATA1/2/3/4 RAID” make sure whatever port your hard drives are plugged into are enabled.

8. Return to “Onboard Devices” menu

9. Locate the SATA1/SATA2 – SATA3/SATA4 and enable these options.

10. From here we will exit/save

11. Upon posting you will now see the NVIDIA Raid Bios and press F10 to enter.

12. Here you will see your new drives located on the left side of the 2 panels “Free Disks” and “Array Disks”.

13. If you will be doing a Stripping or Raid 0 (or Mirroring) you should have 2/4 drives here use your right arrow key and make them both go over to Array Disks.

14. Make sure the Raid mode is Stripping for Raid 0 or if doing Raid 0+1 or Mirroring with 4 drives please make this change now.

15. For Stripping I would leave it at 64k until you better understand these options.

16. Mirroring leave it optimal or 64k.

17. Hit F7 (Finish) to create the array of your choice.

18. You will now see an “Array List”; as long as the drive is listed as healthy we are good.

19. CTRL-X to Exit. The computer should reboot.

20. We need to go directly into the bios right after the system posts.

21. Go into “ Advanced BIOS Features”


When you have a serial hard drive hooked up to this motherboard and have arrived at this point you will be able to go into “Hard Disk Boot Priority”. Please go in here and you will see NVIDIA Stripe/Mirror here. Please make sure this is the top #1 option with your page up/down to select this.

22. You will want first boot device to be CD-ROM for Windows XP/2k installs.

23. You will want the second boot device to read HARD DRIVE; this corresponds to the “Hard Disk Boot Priority List”.

24. Save/Exit

25. As most of you know when you enter the Setup for Win2k/WinXP you will need to hit F6 to load additional drivers for other SCSI devices.

26. When you arrive at the “Press S” menu please make sure you load BOTH of the NVIDIA SCSI/Storage drivers.

This means you will load "NVIDIA RAID CLASS DRIVE" hit <Enter> then hit S again and select "Nvidia Nforce Storrage Controller" hit <Enter>

You must do this step or windows has no idea what you want it to search for in regards to possible storage space.

From here you should be able to complete the install of Windows XP/2K fine. You can go into the bios and make “hard drive” first boot if you wish now.


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