francoisneo26 Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 J'ai des plantages aléatoire sur UT2003 et UT2004 : Retour à Wouindows et fenêtre de UT avec message d'erreur. çà ressemble à un problème de chargement texture ou de rendu. Ma config : P42.4B@3.06, 1go ddr, 9700pro. J'ai essayé plusieurs catalyst et les plus stables sont les OMEGA 4.2. Si ya solution, please , I NEED SOMEBODY HELP !! Au fait çà fait la même chose avec XIII Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlipBlop Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 salut normal pour XIII, qui utilise le meme moteur si je me trompe pas. tu pourrais mettre plus precisement le message d'erreur fourni. Essaie de baisser un peu la qualite d'affichage, et reessaye pour voir si tu as le meme plantage et au bout de la meme duree. Pourtant ta config parait plus que suffisante... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyduck Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 peut etre un plantage du a un overcloking non stable... ton proc par exemple... t'a validé ton oc par 10h de prime? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neo77 Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 Bonjour à toi bébé padawan, je te souhaite la bienvenue sur ce forum. Question ta Carte graphique est OC ??? Si non-->voit pour baisser l'OC de ton Proco (non non retour sous Win donc pas çà) Si oui-->baisse la fréquence du GPU. Je te dis çà car j'ai à peu près la mm config que toi (regarde dans ma signature). Et moi aussi j'ai eu des retours windows dans les mm jeux donc c'est pour çà que je te dis çà. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neo77 Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 peut etre un plantage du a un overcloking non stable... ton proc par exemple...t'a validé ton oc par 10h de prime? +1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
francoisneo26 Posted March 11, 2004 Author Share Posted March 11, 2004 Bonjour à toi bébé padawan, je te souhaite la bienvenue sur ce forum. Question ta Carte graphique est OC ??? Si non-->voit pour baisser l'OC de ton Proco (non non retour sous Win donc pas çà) Si oui-->baisse la fréquence du GPU. Je te dis çà car j'ai à peu près la mm config que toi (regarde dans ma signature). Et moi aussi j'ai eu des retours windows dans les mm jeux donc c'est pour çà que je te dis çà. Et ben nan ma carte né même po oc même po un 1mhz de plus lol et pour le pros g deja essayé remi a 2.4 c pareil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyduck Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 tu joues a d'autres jeux? ils plantent aussi ou ca passe nikel? la 9700pro chauffe pas mal, c une gigabyte? (pb de ventilo sur les maya) sinon bah format + reinstall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
francoisneo26 Posted March 11, 2004 Author Share Posted March 11, 2004 Ya que c jeux là qui sont instable. Le reste marche du feu de dieu c une 3d prophet 9700 pro Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
francoisneo26 Posted March 11, 2004 Author Share Posted March 11, 2004 Au fait vla le message : General protection fault! History: IterateOverActors <- RenderLevel <- FLevelSceneNode::Render <- FPlayerSceneNode::Render <- UGameEngine::Draw <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
founkydj Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 mauvaises ram probablement fais des test avec memtest86 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NilSanyas Posted March 11, 2004 Share Posted March 11, 2004 Ce sont jeux qui plantent ptet aussi... Y'a pas des patchs ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
francoisneo26 Posted March 12, 2004 Author Share Posted March 12, 2004 RAM Déjà testée, sans problème. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neo77 Posted March 12, 2004 Share Posted March 12, 2004 Ce sont jeux qui plantent ptet aussi... Y'a pas des patchs ? D'accord essaie de patcher les jeux, des fois çà peut venir de là... Bonne chance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
francoisneo26 Posted March 12, 2004 Author Share Posted March 12, 2004 OOOUUUUIIIIINNNN Y'a même po de patch pour XIII !!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bloodydemon Posted April 23, 2004 Share Posted April 23, 2004 bonjours a vous. apparemment, nous sommes nombreux ds le mm cas. j'ai exactement le mm blem sous ut2k4, et moi ossi g 1 confiig de ouf (XP2800+; k7n2, 768Mo pc2700, R9800pro et win xp pro). je pensais que ce pouvait venir de directX 9.0b, mais g le mm blem avec dX8.1, quelques soient mes pilotes cg. quant à ma ram, elle est bonne, et je né pas overclock'. cela pourrait venir de l'os (wix xp pro "pas très cher")? et je viens de regarder, il n'y a pas encor dee patch. si qq1 a1 idée, qu'il nous la fasse parvenir. je vais chercher cette nuit 1 solu, en espéran la trouver a+ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pipotron Posted April 23, 2004 Share Posted April 23, 2004 @ toi Juste comme ça, n'aurais-tu pas installé un NoCD pour UT2k3 Je demande ça car j'ai l'original, mais ça me saoulé de mettre le cd dedans à chaque fois... j'ai mis un NoCD... qui a fonctionné nickel... et un jour, plus rien... exactement le même message que toi. du coup, j'ai viré le NoCD et ça refonctionnait comme avant . => un NoCD peut donc provoquer ce genre d'erreur. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Head Posted April 24, 2004 Share Posted April 24, 2004 Ben moi aussi j avais ce genre de probleme avec tout les jeux qui utilise le moteur d ut2003 (raven shield , ut2003, xiii) En fait c t l oeuvre d un satané virus essai voir de fair un scan avec un antivirus recent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Head Posted April 24, 2004 Share Posted April 24, 2004 OOOUUUUIIIIINNNN Y'a même po de patch pour XIII !!!!!! Au fait un patch existe pour XIII Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bloodydemon Posted April 24, 2004 Share Posted April 24, 2004 certains d'entre vous auraont peut-etre eu l'occaz' de voir des olygones apparaitre sur vos écrans lorsque votre cg a chaud . la chaleur augmente bcps le risque d'erreurs, et certains jeux y sont très sensibles, c'est le cas d'ut2k4. j'ai donc remis en marche mon 2eme ventilo... et plus un bug! j'espère que cela resolvera les problemes de certains, qui n'auront plus que pour derniere option d'acheter un ventilo boitier (ou changer celui de la cg ). je ne prétend pas que cela resolvera le blem assurément, mais c'est 1 soluce. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
francoisneo26 Posted April 26, 2004 Author Share Posted April 26, 2004 CA Yé PROBLEME RESOLU G TROUVE APPAREMMENT CA VIENT DE L'OVERCLOKING DU PROCESSEUR ET LE FREQUENCE DE LA RAM ET LA C MA CARTE MERE QUI ME SAUVE. (ASUS P4PE-SRL). Comme c un problème "mainloop" g pensé a une redondance d'informations. Ca veu dire qu'a un moment donné l'échannge dinfo entre proc et ram sature en vitesse de vidange et de remplissage. donc g remi moj proc a la vitesse dorigine et JACKPOT !!! stabilité totale. La carte mère gère la vitesse de la ram en fonction de la vitesse du BUS. Explications : Comme mon bus etait a 170 au lieu de 133, la gestion totomatique de la CM boostait la ram en conséquent. Et vous me dites et ben voila lol (NEMPECHE QUE CA PLANTE PO AVEC TOUS LE RESTE DES JEUX ET APPLICATIONS)... L'asus permet de gérer le ration de la fréquence proc / ram , donc yavai plus qua aligné ce ration a la fréquence normale de ma ram... AU FINAL C TOP STABLE MAIS EN DISCUTANT AVEC UN INGENIEUR INFORMATIQUE A MON TAF C AU PROGRAMMEUR DE STABILISER LEUR MOTEUR 3D. EN GROS Y FO UN PATCH LOL. BON COURAGE A TOUS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
secteur_52 Posted December 8, 2005 Share Posted December 8, 2005 salut a tous, moi aussi j'ai un probleme avec 13, juste sur un niveau : et un log zarb : Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class None.': Impossible de trouver 'ini:Engine.Engine.ForceFeedbackManager' dans le fichier de configuration Warning: Impossible de trouver 'ini:Engine.Engine.ForceFeedbackManager' dans le fichier de configuration Warning: Impossible de trouver 'ini:Engine.Engine.ForceFeedbackManager' dans le fichier de configuration Log: Start LoadMap: Entry Log: Game class is 'GameInfo' Log: Level is Level Entry.MyLevel Log: *** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID *** Log: Bringing Level Entry.MyLevel up for play (120)... ScriptLog: _________________________________ ScriptLog: InitGame: ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator0 Log: End LoadMap: Entry Log: Browse: mapmenu.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 Log: Start LoadMap: mapmenu.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Difficulty.difficultyfond03 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Difficulty.difficultybouton Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Difficulty.difficultyfond01 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Difficulty.difficultyfond04 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Difficulty.difficultyfond02 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.interface_options.vignette_options Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_bouton Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_consoleBG01 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_consoleBG02 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_consoleBG03 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_consoleBG04 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_PCBG01 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_PCBG02 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_PCBG03 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.audio_controls.audio_PCBG04 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Control_Console.controlsxbox1 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Control_Console.controlsxbox2 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Control_Console.controlsxbox3 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Control_Console.controlsxbox4 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Video_Controls.boutonvideo2 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Video_Controls.videofond01 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Video_Controls.videofond02 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Video_Controls.videofond03 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Video_Controls.videofond04 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.interface_home.newgame02gris Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.interface_home.onlinegris Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.interface_home.newgame02 Warning: Missing Texture Texture Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Multi_rules.multi_BG04 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.Multi_rules.multi_BG05 Warning: Missing Texture Texture XIIIMenuStart.interface_options.optionDifficultyWoooo Log: Collecting garbage Log: Purging garbage Log: Garbage: objects: 18256->18256; refs: 199532 Log: Octree Warning (AddActor): DefaultPhysicsVolume3 Already In Octree. Log: Game class is 'XIIIGameInfo' Log: Level is Level MapMenu.MyLevel Log: *** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID *** Log: Bringing Level MapMenu.MyLevel up for play (120)... ScriptLog: Team 255 ScriptLog: ### InitGame Options ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 bLonePlayer=True ScriptLog: _________________________________ ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 ScriptLog: Base Mutator is MapMenu.XIIISoloMutator0 ScriptLog: ### MapMenu.XIIIGameInfo0 PostBeginPlay Log: End LoadMap: mapmenu.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 Warning: Moteur d'Unreal Warning: Copyright 2001 Epic Games, Inc. Warning: Warning: ScriptLog: CREATING ROOT WINDOW: Transient.InteractionMaster0.XIIIRootWindow0 Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow': Impossible de trouver l'objet 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow' ScriptLog: Unable to get menu class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow': Impossible de trouver l'objet 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow' ScriptLog: Unable to get menu class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow ScriptLog: ### Login Portal Options ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 ScriptLog: Team 255 ScriptLog: Login: XIII ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function XIII.XIIIPlayerController.NoControl.BeginState:0007) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerWalking.BeginState:000A) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerWalking.BeginState:001A) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerWalking.BeginState:0044) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerWalking.BeginState:0062) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerWalking.BeginState:0075) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function XIII.XIIIPlayerController.NoControl.EndState:0007) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function XIII.XIIIPlayerController.NoControl.EndState:0029) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 (Function XIII.XIIIPlayerController.NoControl.EndState:0031) Attempt to assigned variable through None ScriptLog: ### Restarting Player MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 ScriptLog: # Giving pawn MapMenu.XIIIPlayerPawn0 ScriptLog: ClientRestart MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 Pawn=MapMenu.XIIIPlayerPawn0 ScriptLog: # TRIGGERING StartSpot.Event=None ScriptLog: SHOWMENU: MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 ScriptLog: VPO: Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: myC: Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: Loneplayer: True ScriptLog: bSkinMenuDone :False ScriptLog: GUIPage::CheckResolution Setting GameResolution to 0x0 Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: XIIIPlayerController MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 Log: XIIIPlayerController0 got player WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: ### Accepting Inventory for MapMenu.XIIIPlayerPawn0 ScriptWarning: XIIIGameInfo MapMenu.XIIIGameInfo0 (Function XIII.XIIIGameInfo.AcceptInventory:003B) Accessed None ScriptWarning: XIIIGameInfo MapMenu.XIIIGameInfo0 (Function XIII.XIIIGameInfo.AcceptInventory:00B2) Accessed None ScriptLog: # PlayerPawn.Weapon=None Slave ? False ScriptLog: # Setting min health (health=150) default=150 setting to 150 ScriptLog: # Cannot find XIIIThingsToSave Warning: Impossible de charger 'NULL': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class None.': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package ScriptLog: ### bInventorySetUp True ScriptLog: # Checking Dual Weapons... ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=MapMenu.FistsAmmo0 (1) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=MapMenu.FistsAmmo0 (1) ScriptLog: # PlayerPawn.Weapon=MapMenu.Fists0 Slave ? False ScriptLog: MP-] MatchStarting for MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 ScriptLog: ### Restarting Player MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 ScriptLog: # Giving pawn MapMenu.XIIIPlayerPawn0 ScriptLog: ClientRestart MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 Pawn=MapMenu.XIIIPlayerPawn0 ScriptLog: # TRIGGERING StartSpot.Event=None Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport0 Log: Opened viewport Log: Couldn't switch to fullscreen Log: Enter SetRes: 640x480 Fullscreen 1 Init: Best-match display mode: 640x480x32@75 (Error=0) Log: Using back-buffer format 22(32-bit) Log: Using depth-buffer format 75(32-bit) Log: Creating device Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: will use hardware transform and lighting. Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: will use hardware vertexprocessing. ScriptLog: CREATING ROOT WINDOW: Transient.InteractionMaster0.XIIIRootWindow1 Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow': Impossible de trouver l'objet 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow' ScriptLog: Unable to get menu class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow': Impossible de trouver l'objet 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow' ScriptLog: Unable to get menu class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport1 ScriptLog: CREATING ROOT WINDOW: Transient.InteractionMaster0.XIIIRootWindow2 Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow': Impossible de trouver l'objet 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow' ScriptLog: Unable to get menu class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow': Impossible de trouver l'objet 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow' ScriptLog: Unable to get menu class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport2 ScriptLog: CREATING ROOT WINDOW: Transient.InteractionMaster0.XIIIRootWindow3 Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow': Impossible de trouver l'objet 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow' ScriptLog: Unable to get menu class XIDInterf.XIIIMultiControlsWindow Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow': Impossible de trouver l'objet 'Class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow' ScriptLog: Unable to get menu class XIDInterf.XIIIMenuInGameControlsWindow Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport3 Init: HarmonX version : 1.24.2 Log: SOUND : mem used for map MapMenu = 10252 Kb Init: Game engine initialized Log: Startup time: 8.442645 seconds Log: Load Video : ..\Video\ubi.bik Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer. Log: Load Video : ..\Video\alien.bik Log: Load Video : ..\Video\Nvidia.bik ScriptLog: profile list successfully loaded ScriptLog: profile list successfully loaded ScriptLog: ### SetUpInitialInventory for MapMenu.XIIIPlayerPawn0 ScriptLog: ### END SetUpInitialInventory ScriptLog: Testing goal ScriptLog: PROFILE: use profile ScriptLog: profile selected XIII ScriptLog: END STATE: Transient.InteractionMaster0.XIIIRootWindow0 Log: URL: Adding default option Name=XIII Log: URL: Adding default option Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn Log: URL: Adding default option team=255 Log: Browse: Hual01b.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255#PlayerStart Log: Start LoadMap: Hual01b.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255#PlayerStart ScriptLog: PAWN DESTROY MapMenu.XIIIPlayerPawn0 ScriptLog: PLAYER MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 PawnDied call bIsPlayer=True ScriptLog: PLAYER MapMenu.XIIIPlayerController0 destroyed !! Log: Collecting garbage Log: Purging garbage Log: 7011758.5ms Unloading: Package Hual01b Log: 7011758.5ms Unloading: Package XIII_hualpar Log: 7011758.5ms Unloading: Package statichual01 Log: 7011758.5ms Unloading: Package Gameplay Log: 7011758.5ms Unloading: Package XIIIvignettes Log: Garbage: objects: 27285->22142; refs: 248584 Log: Collecting garbage Log: Purging garbage Log: 7012169.5ms Unloading: Package MapMenu Log: Garbage: objects: 24609->24149; refs: 286454 Log: Game class is 'XIIIGameInfo' Log: Level is Level Hual01b.MyLevel Log: *** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID *** Log: Bringing Level Hual01b.MyLevel up for play (120)... ScriptLog: Team 255 ScriptLog: ### InitGame Options ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 bLonePlayer=True ScriptLog: _________________________________ ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Hual01b.XIIISoloMutator0 ScriptLog: ### Hual01b.XIIIGameInfo1 PostBeginPlay Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: ### Login Portal PlayerStart Options ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 ScriptLog: Team 255 ScriptLog: Login: XIII ScriptLog: PlayerWaiting BeginState Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 ScriptLog: PlayerWaiting EndState Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 ScriptLog: ### Restarting Player Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 ScriptLog: # Giving pawn Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn1 ScriptLog: ClientRestart Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 Pawn=Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn1 ScriptLog: # TRIGGERING StartSpot.Event=None Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: XIIIPlayerController Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 Log: XIIIPlayerController1 got player WindowsViewport0 Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.Casque Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.m16 Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.M16GrenadAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.Hook Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.LockPick Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.arbalete Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.FusilPompe Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.ShotGunAltAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.Beretta Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.XIIILeftHand Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.SixSenseSkill Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.StunningSkill Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.Fists Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.M16Ammo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.BoltAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.PompeAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.c9mmAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.FistsAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.XIIIThingsToSave Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Warning: Impossible de charger 'NULL': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class None.': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package ScriptLog: ### Accepting Inventory for Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn1 ScriptLog: # PlayerPawn.Weapon=Hual01b.FusilPompe0 Slave ? False ScriptLog: # Setting min health (health=150) default=150 setting to 150 ScriptLog: # found XIIIThingsToSave who have Tag ericcouzian ScriptLog: # Cleaning Map, updating Objectives & Destroying Hual01b.XIIISaveGameTrigger0 because tag matches loaded game XIIISaveGameTriggerTag Warning: Impossible de charger 'NULL': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class None.': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package ScriptLog: ### bInventorySetUp True ScriptLog: # Checking Dual Weapons... ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.c9mmAmmo0 (51) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.c9mmAmmo0 (51) ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.PompeAmmo0 (28) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.PompeAmmo0 (28) ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.BoltAmmo0 (21) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.BoltAmmo0 (21) ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.M16Ammo0 (199) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.M16Ammo0 (199) ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.FistsAmmo2 (1) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.FistsAmmo2 (1) ScriptLog: # PlayerPawn.Weapon=Hual01b.FusilPompe0 Slave ? False ScriptLog: MP-] MatchStarting for Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 ScriptLog: ### Restarting Player Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 ScriptLog: # Giving pawn Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn1 ScriptLog: ClientRestart Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 Pawn=Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn1 ScriptLog: # TRIGGERING StartSpot.Event=None Warning: Impossible de charger 'NULL': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Sound None.': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Log: SOUND : mem used for map hual01b = 6820 Kb Log: End LoadMap: Hual01b.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255#PlayerStart ScriptLog: ### SetUpInitialInventory for Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn1 ScriptLog: ### END SetUpInitialInventory ScriptLog: Display Goal 0 delay=False ScriptLog: Display Goal 1 delay=False ScriptLog: Testing goal ScriptLog: > Objective 0 Primary ? True complete ?True bAntiGoal ?True ScriptLog: > Objective 1 Primary ? True complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 2 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 3 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 4 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 5 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 6 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer. Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer. ScriptLog: SHOWMENU: Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 ScriptLog: VPO: Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: myC: Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: IN ShowInfo ScriptLog: NO BRIEFING ScriptLog: INGAME ScriptLog: Loneplayer: True ScriptLog: bSkinMenuDone :False ScriptLog: END STATE: Transient.InteractionMaster0.XIIIRootWindow0 Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer. ScriptLog: Hual01b.XIIIGoalTrigger5 trigger w/ other=Hual01b.TriggerAlarme3 EventInstigator=None GoalNumber=0 ScriptLog: Goal number 0 validated. ScriptLog: SetGoalComplete 0 ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.STA_HeadAnimation.Tick:0116) Accessed None ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.STA_HeadAnimation.Tick:011E) Attempt to assigned variable through None ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.STA_HeadAnimation.Tick:014F) Accessed None ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.STA_HeadAnimation.Tick:0157) Attempt to assigned variable through None ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.Destroyed:0020) Accessed None ScriptLog: Game Ended for Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 w/ mode 2 ScriptLog: VPO: Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: myC: Transient.WindowsClient0.WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: IN ShowInfo ScriptLog: NO BRIEFING ScriptLog: INGAME ScriptLog: Loneplayer: True ScriptLog: bSkinMenuDone :False ScriptLog: END STATE: Transient.InteractionMaster0.XIIIRootWindow0 Log: URL: Adding default option Name=XIII Log: URL: Adding default option Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn Log: URL: Adding default option team=255 Log: Browse: Hual01b.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255#PlayerStart Log: Start LoadMap: Hual01b.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255#PlayerStart ScriptLog: PAWN DESTROY Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn1 ScriptLog: PLAYER Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController1 destroyed !! Log: Collecting garbage Log: Purging garbage Log: Garbage: objects: 25050->24150; refs: 286457 Log: Game class is 'XIIIGameInfo' Log: Level is Level Hual01b.MyLevel Log: *** WARNING - PATHS MAY NOT BE VALID *** Log: Bringing Level Hual01b.MyLevel up for play (120)... ScriptLog: Team 255 ScriptLog: ### InitGame Options ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 bLonePlayer=True ScriptLog: _________________________________ ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Hual01b.XIIISoloMutator1 ScriptLog: ### Hual01b.XIIIGameInfo2 PostBeginPlay Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport0 ScriptLog: ### Login Portal PlayerStart Options ?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255 ScriptLog: Team 255 ScriptLog: Login: XIII ScriptLog: PlayerWaiting BeginState Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 ScriptLog: PlayerWaiting EndState Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 ScriptLog: ### Restarting Player Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 ScriptLog: # Giving pawn Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 ScriptLog: ClientRestart Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 Pawn=Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 ScriptLog: # TRIGGERING StartSpot.Event=None Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: XIIIPlayerController Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 Log: XIIIPlayerController2 got player WindowsViewport0 Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.Casque Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.m16 Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.M16GrenadAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.Hook Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.LockPick Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.arbalete Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.FusilPompe Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.ShotGunAltAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.Beretta Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.XIIILeftHand Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.SixSenseSkill Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.StunningSkill Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.Fists Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.M16Ammo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.BoltAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.PompeAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.c9mmAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.FistsAmmo Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Log: Incoming travelling actor of class XIII.XIIIThingsToSave Log: SpawnPlayActor: Spawned travelling actor Warning: Impossible de charger 'NULL': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class None.': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package ScriptLog: ### Accepting Inventory for Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 ScriptLog: # PlayerPawn.Weapon=Hual01b.FusilPompe7 Slave ? False ScriptLog: # Setting min health (health=150) default=150 setting to 150 ScriptLog: # found XIIIThingsToSave who have Tag ericcouzian ScriptLog: # Cleaning Map, updating Objectives & Destroying Hual01b.XIIISaveGameTrigger0 because tag matches loaded game XIIISaveGameTriggerTag Warning: Impossible de charger 'NULL': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Class None.': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package ScriptLog: ### bInventorySetUp True ScriptLog: # Checking Dual Weapons... ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.c9mmAmmo1 (51) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.c9mmAmmo1 (51) ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.PompeAmmo8 (28) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.PompeAmmo8 (28) ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.BoltAmmo2 (21) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.BoltAmmo2 (21) ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.M16Ammo3 (199) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.M16Ammo3 (199) ScriptLog: # BEF AmmoInv=Hual01b.FistsAmmo19 (1) ScriptLog: # AFT AmmoInv=Hual01b.FistsAmmo19 (1) ScriptLog: # PlayerPawn.Weapon=Hual01b.FusilPompe7 Slave ? False ScriptLog: MP-] MatchStarting for Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 ScriptLog: ### Restarting Player Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 ScriptLog: # Giving pawn Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 ScriptLog: ClientRestart Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 Pawn=Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 ScriptLog: # TRIGGERING StartSpot.Event=None Warning: Impossible de charger 'NULL': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Warning: Echec du chargement de 'Sound None.': Impossible de résoudre le nom du package Log: SOUND : mem used for map hual01b = 2400 Kb Log: End LoadMap: Hual01b.unr?Name=XIII?Class=XIII.XIIIPlayerPawn?team=255#PlayerStart ScriptLog: ### SetUpInitialInventory for Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 ScriptLog: ### END SetUpInitialInventory ScriptLog: Display Goal 0 delay=False ScriptLog: Display Goal 1 delay=False ScriptLog: Testing goal ScriptLog: > Objective 0 Primary ? True complete ?True bAntiGoal ?True ScriptLog: > Objective 1 Primary ? True complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 2 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 3 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 4 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 5 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False ScriptLog: > Objective 6 Primary ? False complete ?False bAntiGoal ?False Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer. Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer. Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer. ScriptLog: Killed Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 Hual01b.IAController19 ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.STA_HeadAnimation.Tick:0116) Accessed None ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.STA_HeadAnimation.Tick:011E) Attempt to assigned variable through None ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.STA_HeadAnimation.Tick:014F) Accessed None ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.STA_HeadAnimation.Tick:0157) Attempt to assigned variable through None ScriptWarning: DialogueManager Hual01b.DialogueManager1 (Function XIDCine.DialogueManager.Destroyed:0020) Accessed None ScriptLog: Killed Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 Hual01b.IAController28 ScriptWarning: AudioTrigger Hual01b.AudioTrigger4 (Function Engine.AudioTrigger.CanBeTouched.Touch:000E) Accessed None ScriptWarning: BaseSoldier Hual01b.BaseSoldier15 (Function XIII.XIIIPawn.TakeDamage:048F) Hual01b.BaseSoldier15 took regular damage XIII.DTShotGunned from Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 while already dead at 45.408680 ScriptWarning: BaseSoldier Hual01b.BaseSoldier15 (Function XIII.XIIIPawn.TakeDamage:048F) Hual01b.BaseSoldier15 took regular damage XIII.DTShotGunned from Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 while already dead at 45.408680 ScriptLog: Killed Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 Hual01b.IAController27 ScriptLog: Killed Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 Hual01b.IAController15 ScriptWarning: BaseSoldier Hual01b.BaseSoldier2 (Function XIII.XIIIPawn.TakeDamage:048F) Hual01b.BaseSoldier2 took regular damage XIII.DTShotGunned from Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 while already dead at 76.939873 ScriptWarning: BaseSoldier Hual01b.BaseSoldier2 (Function XIII.XIIIPawn.TakeDamage:048F) Hual01b.BaseSoldier2 took regular damage XIII.DTShotGunned from Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 while already dead at 76.939873 ScriptWarning: BaseSoldier Hual01b.BaseSoldier2 (Function XIII.XIIIPawn.TakeDamage:048F) Hual01b.BaseSoldier2 took regular damage XIII.DTShotGunned from Hual01b.XIIIPlayerPawn2 while already dead at 76.939873 ScriptLog: Hual01b.XIIIGoalTrigger1 trigger w/ other=Hual01b.Dispatcher5 EventInstigator=None GoalNumber=99 ScriptLog: Goal number 99 validated. ScriptLog: SetGoalComplete 99 ScriptLog: SetPrimaryGoal 3 ScriptLog: Display Goal 3 delay=True ScriptLog: Killed Hual01b.XIIIPlayerController2 Hual01b.IAController26 ScriptLog: Hual01b.XIIIGoalTrigger7 trigger w/ other=Hual01b.Dispatcher2 EventInstigator=None GoalNumber=99 ScriptLog: Goal number 99 validated. ScriptLog: SetGoalComplete 99 ScriptLog: SetPrimaryGoal 4 ScriptLog: Display Goal 4 delay=True ScriptLog: PAWN DESTROY Hual01b.BaseSoldier12 Critical: RenderStaticMesh Critical: FDynamicActor::Render Critical: RenderLevel Critical: FLevelSceneNode::Render Critical: FCameraSceneNode::Render Critical: UGameEngine::Draw Critical: UWindowsViewport::Repaint Critical: UWindowsClient::Tick Critical: ClientTick Critical: UGameEngine::Tick Critical: UpdateWorld Critical: MainLoop Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError Exit: UHXAUDIOSubsystem::ShutdownAfterError Localization: No localization: Window.Errors.Critical (frt) Localization: No localization: Window.General.OkButton (frt) Localization: No localization: Window.IDDIALOG_CrashBox.IDC_CrashBox (frt) Exit: Exiting. Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down Uninitialized: Log file closed, 12/04/05 16:10:36 la version est officielle... Et tout ce qu'il y a de plus légale :/ et le support ne peut rien faire, j'ai installé tous les pilotes possibles dans toutes les versions , essayé toutes les options de jeux ou graphiques.... Rien n'y fait... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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