fabbe Posted March 3, 2004 Share Posted March 3, 2004 Hello aujourd'hui j'ai chopé un blaster , celui ci infecte le fichier svchost qui ce trouve dans le repertoire win32 Il existe un patch chez microsoft http://search.microsoft.com/search/results...B824146-x86-FRA Je sais pas si c'est le virus Mydoom Par contre toujour un probleme , apres application du patch lorsque je redemarre j'ai une fenetre DOS qui souvre executant le fichier svchost , je la ferme , ca me dit que le programme ne rêpond pas... Un pote m'avait parlé de ca donc j'avait fait une copie du fichier svchost avant d'etre infecté mais je peux pas remplacer le fichier infecté car celui ci est utilisé par windows!!! Comment faire a part mettre mon HD sur un autre PC Merci ++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ingeni Posted March 3, 2004 Share Posted March 3, 2004 Voir si par un démarrage en mode sans échec le fichier svchost est utilisé ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fabbe Posted March 4, 2004 Author Share Posted March 4, 2004 j'ai pas encore resolu le probleme J'ai essayé en mode sans echec...marche pas J'ai essayé un point de restauration...marche pas il a fallu que je transforme ma partition ntfs en fat32 car ma disquette bootable 98 fonctionne pas sur les partitions ntfs Puis j'ai fait un copier coller sous DOS...marche pas A l'aide mon systeme d'explitation a 2 semaines Quelqu'un a une idée ++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jojo83 Posted March 4, 2004 Share Posted March 4, 2004 Salut, Ok donc essaye de killer tout les process qui te semblent suspects et qui pourraient utiliser le fichier et t'empêcherait de le remplacer. Sinon tu peux aussi lancer un msconfig et dans l'onglet démarrage empêcher le lancement du virus si tu le trouves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fabbe Posted March 4, 2004 Author Share Posted March 4, 2004 ok je vais testé ca ce soir J'ai remarqué qu'il créait des .exe avec des noms de fichiers ou de repertoires pris au hasrard sur mes HD , exemple : mesmp3.exe ou mesphotos.exe Sale bete ...je vais lui mettre le compte ce soir merci ++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juliobob Posted March 4, 2004 Share Posted March 4, 2004 Essai aussi de désactiver la restauration auto du systeme avant intervention car autrement ton ver peut avoir été sauvegarder par le systeme. Ensuite scan antivirus a jour et correctifs windows (si c blaster, qui est different de mydoom. ppas de correctifs pour mydoom, il se repend par e mails, fichiers joints plus exactement) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fabbe Posted March 5, 2004 Author Share Posted March 5, 2004 Voila avec ca j'ai réussi a le supprimer completement ------------------------------------------------------------------ W32/Hiton.a@MM autres noms : WORM_HITON.A Win32.Hiton.A Type: Ver Taille du fichier: 44,036 bytes Systemes touchés: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows XP Systemes immunisés: DOS, Linux, Macintosh, OS/2, UNIX action: Se copie et prend le nom de \Svchost.exe dans le repertoire racine de Windows. Crée le fichier \Mssvc.dll (44,036 bytes) dans le repertoire System. Ajoute les entrées suivantes a la base de registre : "Service Host Driver"="%Windir%\svchost.exe" dans HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run C'est son autorun. On trouve aussi : "(Default)" = "%System%\mssvc.dll" dans: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED}\ InProcServer32 De cette facon, Explorer charge la bibliothèque Mssvc.dll. Enfin : "AutoRun"= "%Windir%svchost.exe" dans: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor Il génère les fichiers suivants : %System%\Wsick32.dll, où sont stockées les adresses mail qu'il trouve sur la machine. %System%\wsuck32.dll, fichier texte. Remplace des entrées dans : %System%\Drivers\etc\Hosts (sous Windows NT/2000/XP) %Windir%\Hosts.sam (sous Windows 95/98/Me) si il scanne et trouve l'un de ces mots: grisoft nai networkassociates vil.nai nod32 bitdefender f-secure securityresponse.symantec vsantivirus openantivirus norman f-prot ravantivirus kaspersky sarc sophos pandasoftware antivirus mcafee trendmicro symantec Crée le repertoire : [racine windows]\{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} et s'y copie. Il utilise son propre service SMTP pour l'envoi de mails. Si recu par cette voie, l'en tete aura la forme From: <spoofed> Subject: l'un de ceux ci : TONA, you have to see this! hey wuts up? hey wuts up TONA? Very funny Useful Happy Times :) gift for you TONA :) Attatchments Hiiiiiii TONA Hiiiiiii Wait for more :) elegant ppl should satisfy thier taste with elegant things heyyy TONA heyyy Heyyyyyyyy Lola Wussaaap?? Another one? Hey Wussap? Hey I thought you trusted me but ... unknown fake leaked stolen information for you, TONA information warning something for you read it immediately Undeliverable mail -- Server Report Status Returned mail -- Mail Delivery System La Transazione Della Posta + venuto a mancare La Transaction De Courrier A TchouT Mail Transaction Failed here|s the document you requested here|s the document Pr0n! Here|s a nice Picture here|s the archive you requested New Internal Rls... Do not release, its the internal rls! hola TONA hola hello TONA hello hi TONA Error Ciao TONA Ciao Darling Congratulations TONA! Message: Un de ces messages : i found this amazing file in my Recycled , i know u love this kind of things ;)ONCRcyaaa Hummm , i hope u accept this show as an apology.ONCRsave it for hard times i will be waiting for u emaill to remind me of your self. i'm fine , thanx for asking :) ONCRand thanx for the nice attachements.ONCRbut unfortunately, i don't remember you you seem to be mad @ me coz i didn't send u anything for along time,ONCRi didn't forget u , but i was kinda busy , i've got all of ur emailsONCRthanx :) and i hope u accept this one as an apology. i've got this surprise from a friend :)ONCRit really deserves a few minutes of your time.ONCRNever mind ! i thing the subject is enough to describe the attached file !ONCRcheck it out and replay your opinion heyyyy i tried many times to send u this email but ur account was out of storage as i thinkONCRany way , make sure that i didn't and i won't forget u :)ONCRCya Forgotten I've got your email , but you forgot to upload the attachments.ONCRDon't be selfish , i sent you all the files i have, send me anything :( i just wanted to say sorry for last nightONCRand .. i wish u accept this as an apologyONCRbye dear I can't be online tonight :(anyway , i sent u something u r gonna love ;)ONCRcya tomorrow i lost FRNA's Email plzz send this file to her :)ONCRand tell her i can't be online tonightONCRBye YO TONA , IM SICK OF UR EMAILS , IF U LOSE IT AGAIN I WONT GIVE IT TO U, SAVE ITONCRBYEEE I forgot to tell u , the other file is with FRNA:) bye Heyyyy TONAI lost the other email , anyway i sent u all u needONCRi have just got it , plz tell me if u need more.bye Here is the FRNA Dont tell Sam abt itONCRCya i haven't ever thought i should send u my briefcase to gain ur Trust.ONCRHave it all :) bye HEY TONA, call FRNA a virus text stealer =) Hi TONA its FRNA.ONCRONCRI was shocked, when I found out that it wasn't you but your twin brother,ONCRthat's amazing, you're as like as two peas. No one in bed is better thanONCRyou TONA. I remember, I remember everything very well, that promised youONCRto tell how it was, I'll give you a call today after 9. He took my skirtONCRoff, then my panties, then my bra, he sucked my t**s, with the same furyONCRyou do it. He was writing alphabet on my pussy for 20 minutes, thenONCRsuddenly stopped, put me in doggy style position and stuck his dagger.ONCRBut TONA, why didn't you warn me that his dick is 15 inches long? I wasONCRstruck, we fucked whole night. I'm so thankful to you, for acquainted meONCRto your brother. I think we can do it on the next Saturday all threeONCRtogether? What do you think? O yes, as you wanted I've made a few picturesONCRcheck them out in archive, I hope they will excite you, and you will dreamONCRof our new meeting...ONCRONCRGreetz FRNA something is fool something is going wrong you are bad you try to steal you feel the same you earn money misc thats wrong why? take it easy reply do you? that's funny here, the cheats here, the introduction here, the serials from the chatter about me information about you something is going wrong! stuff about you? greetings see you here it is that is bad yes, really? i found this document about you your name is wrong i hope it is not true! kill the writer of this document! something about you! I have your password! you are a bad writer is that from you? i wait for a reply! is that your account? is that your name? is that true? here my hero read it immediately! here is the document. read the details. i'm waiting ok what does it mean? anything ok? Have a look at the attatchment. That|s the answer to all your questions. Here|s the document that you had requested. Have a look the Pic attached !! Real outtakes from Sex in the City!!ONCRAdult content!!! Use with parental advisory =) Send me your comments. The Archive is attached... I have a document attached,ONCRwhich should solve your problems. See the attached file for details. Mail transaction failed. Partial message is available. The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encodingONCRand has been sent as a binary attachment. The message contains Unicode charactersONCRand has been sent as a binary attachment. The message contains MIME-encoded graphicsONCRand has been sent as a binary attachment. sendmail daemon reported: Error #804 occured during SMTP session.ONCRPartial message has been received. Attachment: dans la liste : misc party disco part2 mail2 object ranking dinner release final location jokes friend website mails story found nomoney aboutyou shower ps topseller product swimmingpool bill note information concert textfile posting stuff me attachment details creditcard message talk doc msg mail body document extensions : .exe .scr .bat .pif Effacement Scanner avec l'antivirus, et enlever tout fichier W32.Hiton@mm. Effacer les entrées du registre dont on a parlé. détail : dans HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run effacer: "Service Host Driver"="%Windir%\svchost.exe" dans : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor effacer: "AutoRun"= "%Windir%svchost.exe" dans : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED}\InProcServer32 changer la valeur comme suit : Windows NT/2000/XP: %SystemRoot%\System32\webcheck.dll Windows 95/98/Me: C:\Windows\System\webcheck.dll" ----------------------------------------- ++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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