tyrann27 Posté(e) le 8 juin 2009 Partager Posté(e) le 8 juin 2009 Hello... Bon j'ai foiré... J'ai installé l'eID officiel pour debian pour lire les cartes d'identité belges et me rendant compte que ça ne fonctionnait pas, j'ai été voir sur la doc ubuntu. Grosse erreur, j'aurais du commencer par là... http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/utiliser...ctronique_belge L'installation du middelware 3.5.x crée des problèmes avec les librairies Qt. Les utilisateurs de GNOME auront des problèmes d'affichage avec VLC et ne pourront plus ouvrir Skype, par exemple. Mais pour les utilisateurs de KDE, c'est carrément dangereux: ils ne pourront tout simplement plus ouvrir leur session! Restons-en donc à la méthode d'installation officielle. Si vous désirez détailler l'installation de la nouvelle version, faites-le dans un paragraphe séparé en précisant bien les dangers ou créez une nouvelle page. C'est exactement ce que j'ai.... Sauf que bien qu'ayant gnome, je n'arrive plus à démarrer ma session. Chez mon père (j'ai fait la même connerie 2 fois), il arrive à ouvrir sa session mais Virtualbox ne démarre plus... J'ai déjà désinstallé la lib libqtcore4 et donc toutes les dépendances qui vont avec mais rien n'y fait Voici le fichier d'install que j'ai utilisé : #!/bin/sh INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local INSTALL_DIR_26=/usr INSTALL_DIR_26_SHARE=$INSTALL_DIR_26/share INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB=$INSTALL_DIR_26/lib INSTALL_DIR_26_BIN=$INSTALL_DIR_26/bin INSTALL_DIR_26_CERTS=$INSTALL_DIR_26_SHARE/beid/certs INSTALL_DIR_26_CRL=$INSTALL_DIR_26_SHARE/beid/crl INSTALL_DIR_26_LOCALE=$INSTALL_DIR_26_SHARE/locale INSTALL_DIR_26_CONF=/etc INSTALL_DIR_26_CRL_CACHE=$INSTALL_DIR_26_SHARE/beid/crl/http/crl.eid.belgium.be INSTALL_DIR_QTPLUGINS=$INSTALL_DIR/bin/plugins/imageformats INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS=$INSTALL_DIR/lib/siscardplugins echo "This script installs the Belgian eID middleware and GUI." echo "" uid=`id -u` if [ $uid -eq 0 ] then ####### # first of all, show the license file(s) ####### if [ -e "/etc/debian_version" ] || [ -e "/etc/SuSE-release" ] || [ -e "/etc/fedora-release" ] then cat licenses/eID-toolkit_licensingtermsconditions.txt | more cat licenses/THIRDPARTY-LICENSES.txt | more else echo "Linux distribution not supported." exit -1 fi ####### # for debian: # check if (one of) the eidMW 2.6 daemons is running # if so, stop the daemons and remove them from # the disk. # This check is only on debian because this can have the daemons # running ####### if [ -e "/etc/debian_version" ] then apt-get install 2> /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "Package installer is running. Please stop the package installer and start again" exit -1 fi echo "Checking eID MW 2.X daemons (beidpcscd,beidcrld) running..." DAEMON1=`ps -C beidpcscd | grep beid` DAEMON2=`ps -C beidcrld | grep beid` if [[ "$DAEMON1" != "" || "$DAEMON2" != "" ]] then /etc/init.d/beid stop fi if [ -e "$INSTALL_DIR_26_BIN/beidpcscd" ] then echo "Removing daemon '$INSTALL_DIR_26_BIN/beidpcscd' from disk..." rm $INSTALL_DIR_26_BIN/beidpcscd fi if [ -e "$INSTALL_DIR_26_BIN/beidcrld" ] then echo "Removing daemon '$INSTALL_DIR_26_BIN/beidcrld' from disk..." rm $INSTALL_DIR_26_BIN/beidcrld fi fi if [ -e "/etc/debian_version" ] || [ -e "/etc/SuSE-release" ] || [ -e "/etc/fedora-release" ] then ####### ## Check if a eIDMW 2.6 exists. ## if so: ## Replace the libbeidlib.so.X.Y.Z by the one in this package and adjust the link ## from libbeidlib.so.X.Y to libbeidlib.so.X.Y.Z ## if not: ## install all the files of eIDMW2.6 ####### echo "Checking installation of eIDMW 2.X." if [ -e "$INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB/libbeid.so.2" ] then ####### ## install the new libbeid of version 2.6 ####### echo "Installation of eIDMW 2.X found." echo "Updating installation of eIDMW 2.X." install beid-2.6/libbeid.so.2.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB else ####### # install complete the new version 2.6 ####### echo "Installation of eIDMW 2.X not found." echo "Installation of eIDMW 2.X to $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB" install beid-2.6/libbeid.so.2.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB install beid-2.6/libbeidcomm.so.?.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB install beid-2.6/libbeidcommon.so.?.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB install beid-2.6/libbeidgui.so.?.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB install beid-2.6/libbeidlibjni.so.?.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB install beid-2.6/libbeidlibopensc.so.?.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB install beid-2.6/libbeidpcsclite.so.?.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB install beid-2.6/libbeidpkcs11.so.?.?.? $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB if [ -e "beid-2.6/beidgui" ] then install beid-2.6/beidgui $INSTALL_DIR_26_BIN fi ####### # install the language files for 2.X ####### install beid-2.6/beidgui_nl.mo $INSTALL_DIR_26_LOCALE install beid-2.6/beidgui_fr.mo $INSTALL_DIR_26_LOCALE install beid-2.6/beidgui_de.mo $INSTALL_DIR_26_LOCALE ####### # install the certificates for 2.X ####### mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR_26_CERTS install beid-2.6/beid-cert-belgiumrca.der $INSTALL_DIR_26_CERTS install beid-2.6/beid-cert-government2004.der $INSTALL_DIR_26_CERTS install beid-2.6/beid-cert-government2005.der $INSTALL_DIR_26_CERTS install beid-2.6/beid-cert-government.der $INSTALL_DIR_26_CERTS install beid-2.6/beid-cert-belgiumrca2.der $INSTALL_DIR_26_CERTS ####### # install a default configuration file (all users) for 2.X ####### mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR_26_CONF install beid-2.6/beidgui.conf.2.6 $INSTALL_DIR_26_CONF/beidgui.conf ####### # install pkcs11 install files for 2.X ####### install beid-2.6/*.html $INSTALL_DIR_26_SHARE/beid ####### # make sure the CRL directory exists with correct RW rights for 2.X ####### mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR_26_CRL chmod 777 $INSTALL_DIR_26_CRL ####### # make sure the CRL cache directory exists with RW access ####### #mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR_26_CRL_CACHE #chmod 777 $INSTALL_DIR_26_CRL_CACHE fi ####### ## this link must be there in order to have the GUI load properly the library ####### echo "Checking link: /usr/lib/libbeidgui.so." if [ -e "/usr/lib/libbeidgui.so" ] then rm /usr/lib/libbeidgui.so fi ln -s /usr/lib/libbeidgui.so.1 /usr/lib/libbeidgui.so echo "$INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB" >> /etc/ld.so.conf /sbin/ldconfig fi ####### ## Check if a previous 3.X installation exists. if so, this has to be replaced by this ## installation ####### test -d $INSTALL_DIR/lib/ || mkdir $INSTALL_DIR/lib test -d $INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS/ || mkdir $INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS echo "Checking previous installation of Belgian eID middleware 3.X" FILES=`ls $INSTALL_DIR/lib/libbeid*.so.3.* 2> /dev/null` for file in $FILES do echo "Checking $file" if [ -e "$file" ] then echo "[Error] A previous version of the Belgian eID middleware seems to exist" echo "in '$INSTALL_DIR/lib' and '$INSTALL_DIR/bin'" echo "Please uninstall the previous version before installing this version" echo "Done..." exit -1 fi done echo "Installing eID MW 3.X." install lib/libbeidapplayer.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR/lib install lib/libbeidcardlayer.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR/lib install lib/libbeidcommon.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR/lib install lib/libbeidpkcs11.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR/lib install lib/libbeiddialogsQT.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR/lib install lib/libbeidlib.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR/lib install lib/libbeidlibJava_Wrapper.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR/lib install lib/libsiscardplugin1__ACS__.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS install bin/*.html $INSTALL_DIR/share ############################################################## # pkcs11 fix: # for pkcs11, the files coming from eID MW 2.X must be updated with the files # from eID MW 3.X. The files from eID MW 2.X are removed and the files of eID MW 3.X are # put in place. # It is possible that the files must be registered again in the browsers ############################################################## echo "Installing libbeidpkcs11.so." rm -f $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB/libbeidpkcs11.so* install lib/libbeidpkcs11.so.*.*.* $INSTALL_DIR_26_LIB ####### # for debian, install Qt >= 4.3.1 ####### if [ -e "/etc/debian_version" ] then ####### # install special 3rd-party libraries ####### echo "Installing Qt4 files." install thirdparty/libQtCore.so.4 $INSTALL_DIR/lib install thirdparty/libQtGui.so.4 $INSTALL_DIR/lib install thirdparty/qt.conf $INSTALL_DIR/bin mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR_QTPLUGINS install thirdparty/libqjpeg.so $INSTALL_DIR_QTPLUGINS fi ####### # install packages from the default installations # the packages will automatically be installed ####### echo "Installing 3rd party files from package updater." if [ -e "/etc/debian_version" ] then apt-get install libxerces27 apt-get install libpcsclite1 apt-get install libacr38u apt-get install pcscd fi if [ -e "/etc/SuSE-release" ] then SUSERELEASE=`cat /etc/SuSE-release` SUSEVERSION=`expr match "$SUSERELEASE" '.*openSUSE\ \([1-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\)'` if [[ "$SUSEVERSION" > "11.0" ]] then yast -i libXerces-c28 else yast -i libXerces-c-28 fi yast -i pcsc-lite yast -i pcsc-acr38 yast -i pcsc-ccid fi if [ -e "/etc/fedora-release" ] then yum install xerces-c27 yum install pcsc-lite-libs yum install pcsc-lite yum install qt4 yum install qt4-x11 fi ####### ## add the directory where the so files are installed to the loader's config file ## and run the ldconfig program to rebuild the loaders's cache ####### echo "$INSTALL_DIR/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf echo "$INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS" >> /etc/ld.so.conf /sbin/ldconfig LIBLIST=`ls $INSTALL_DIR/lib/libbeid*.so.*.*.* 2> /dev/null` for THE_FILE in $LIBLIST; do FULLFILENAME=$THE_FILE FILENAME=${FULLFILENAME##*/} EXTENSION=${FILENAME#*.so.} SONAME=${FILENAME%.*.*.*} VERSION_MAJ=${EXTENSION%.*.*} VERSION_MAJ_MID=${EXTENSION%%.?} VERSION_MID=${VERSION_MAJ_MID#*.} VERSION_MIN=${EXTENSION##?.?.} ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/lib/$SONAME.$VERSION_MAJ.$VERSION_MID.$VERSION_MIN $INSTALL_DIR/lib/$SONAME.$VERSION_MAJ.$VERSION_MID ln -s $INSTALL_DIR/lib/$SONAME.$VERSION_MAJ $INSTALL_DIR/lib/$SONAME done LIBLIST=`ls $INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS/libsiscard*.so.*.*.* 2> /dev/null` for THE_FILE in $LIBLIST; do FULLFILENAME=$THE_FILE FILENAME=${FULLFILENAME##*/} EXTENSION=${FILENAME#*.so.} SONAME=${FILENAME%.*.*.*} VERSION_MAJ=${EXTENSION%.*.*} VERSION_MAJ_MID=${EXTENSION%%.?} VERSION_MID=${VERSION_MAJ_MID#*.} VERSION_MIN=${EXTENSION##?.?.} ln -s $INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS/$SONAME.$VERSION_MAJ.$VERSION_MID.$VERSION_MIN $INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS/$SONAME.$VERSION_MAJ.$VERSION_MID ln -s $INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS/$SONAME.$VERSION_MAJ $INSTALL_DIR_SISPLUGINS/$SONAME done test -d $INSTALL_DIR/bin || mkdir $INSTALL_DIR/bin install bin/beidgui $INSTALL_DIR/bin install bin/beiddialogsQTsrv $INSTALL_DIR/bin install bin/eidmw_de.qm $INSTALL_DIR/bin install bin/eidmw_en.qm $INSTALL_DIR/bin install bin/eidmw_fr.qm $INSTALL_DIR/bin install bin/eidmw_nl.qm $INSTALL_DIR/bin ####### ## install the icon and desktop file ####### install eid35.png /usr/share/icons install beidgui35.desktop /usr/share/applications ####### ## install a default configuration file (all users) ####### mkdir -p /usr/local/etc install bin/beid.conf.3.5 /usr/local/etc/beid.conf ####### ## if a local config file exists, remove the settings for OCSP and CRL ## such that the system wide settings will taken over ####### USERHOME=`eval "echo ~$USERNAME"` if [[ -e "$USERHOME/.config/beid.conf" ]] then sed '/cert_validation_ocsp/d;/cert_validation_crl/d' $USERHOME/.config/beid.conf > $USERHOME/.config/_beid.conf mv -f $USERHOME/.config/_beid.conf $USERHOME/.config/beid.conf chmod a+w $USERHOME/.config/beid.conf fi mkdir -p /usr/share/beid/crl chmod a+w /usr/share/beid/crl ####### ## check if the pcscd is running. if not, start it ####### echo "checking pcscd running..." PCSCDAEMON=`ps -C pcscd | grep pcscd` if [[ "$PCSCDAEMON" == "" ]] then if [ -e "/usr/sbin/pcscd" ] then echo "Starting pcscd." /usr/sbin/pcscd else echo "pcscd not found. Please install and/or start pcscd." fi fi ####### ## show the instructions to integrate with OpenOffice ####### FIREFOX=`which firefox` 2> /dev/null if [[ "$FIREFOX" == "" ]] then echo "For integration with OpenOffice, please install first Firefox." fi echo "Follow the instructions in the documentation to:" echo "- register the software in Firefox." echo "- set the environment variable MOZILLA_CERTIFICATE_FOLDER" echo "" echo "Please read the README file and licensing information for more information about" echo "libraries this software and the software it is depending on" echo "" else echo "You must have root permissions to execute this script." echo "Please ask your system administrator for assistance." echo "" fi Disponible là : http://eid.belgium.be/fr/binaries/beid-mid...cm146-38436.tgz Et mon .xsession-errors : /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup... /etc/gdm/Xsession: 129: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 130: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 148: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: 192: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied /etc/gdm/Xsession: Executing default failed, will try to run x-terminal-emulator Failed to get the session bus: Failed to execute dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session Falling back to non-factory mode. Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting. Toute aide est la bienvenue, je suis dans une impasse. Je ne trouve rien sur le net Merci d'avance Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
theocrite Posté(e) le 9 juin 2009 Partager Posté(e) le 9 juin 2009 Tu n'as plus de /dev/null ? Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Ph11 Posté(e) le 9 juin 2009 Partager Posté(e) le 9 juin 2009 Ta signature ! À quand un smiley qui lui sera dédié ? Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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