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À propos de stology

  • Date de naissance 10/02/1986

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  1. je sait plus ou donné de la tete !!!!! j'ai relancé mon client gpu hier, ce soir je regarde elle m'en a fini 5 !!!!!!! je sais pas d'ou sa vient j'ai rien touché sa marche t'en mieux .....!! n'empeche c'est de la bombe s'te carte !! j'aurai une tiote question -un resultat gpu donne plus de point qu'un cpu (classic) Il a plus de valeur scientifique?
  2. ok donc j'ai tésté furmark en mode bench et stability sa passe nickel temp a 65 - 66 °C 55 fps en bench et 40 fps en stability test pour l'alim c'est une everest 700W modulaire
  3. j'ai pris avec le CCC. furmark? 3dmark vantage? 3dmark vantage, oui j'ai fait le test en trial, un score honorable de 14700..... je te remercie je regarde sa attentivement et je vous tien au courant! je le traduit avant merci
  4. oui c'est bien la bonne j'ai eu un doute pendant 2 secondes j'ai aussi mis a jour les nouveaux catalyst 8.11 rien n'y fait.... aussi un nouveau client "Folding@home-Win32-GPU_Vista-620r2beta" mais rien... serait-ce ma carte qui est defaillante ?
  5. et non! rien a faire nan's detected unstable machine !!!!!!! aucun o/c pourtant tous d'origine.....
  6. donc voilà je reviens sa fait toujours la même chose --- Opening Log file [November 15 04:53:43 UTC] # Windows GPU Console Edition ################################################# ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 6.20r2beta ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Folding@home\Folding@home-gpu 2 Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Folding@home\Folding@home-gpu 2\Folding@home-Win32-GPU.exe [04:53:43] - Ask before connecting: No [04:53:43] - User name: [inpact]_stology (Team 51) [04:53:43] - User ID: 2C8D42425EEA3628 [04:53:43] - Machine ID: 2 [04:53:43] [04:53:43] Loaded queue successfully. [04:53:43] [04:53:43] + Processing work unit [04:53:43] Core required: FahCore_11.exe [04:53:43] Core found. [04:53:43] Working on queue slot 02 [November 15 04:53:43 UTC] [04:53:43] + Working ... [04:53:43] [04:53:43] *------------------------------* [04:53:43] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta [04:53:43] Version 1.18 (Mon Oct 13 11:11:30 PDT 2008) [04:53:43] [04:53:43] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 [04:53:43] Build host: amoeba [04:53:43] Board Type: AMD [04:53:43] Core : [04:53:43] Preparing to commence simulation [04:53:43] - Looking at optimizations... [04:53:43] - Previous termination of core was improper. [04:53:43] - Files status OK [04:53:43] - Expanded 88214 -> 447304 (decompressed 507.0 percent) [04:53:43] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88214 data_size=447304, decompressed_data_size=447304 diff=0 [04:53:43] - Digital signature verified [04:53:43] [04:53:43] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:53:43] [04:53:43] Entering M.D. [04:53:49] Will resume from checkpoint file [04:53:49] Working on p4744_lam5w_300K [04:53:49] Client config found, loading data. [04:53:49] Starting GUI Server [04:53:53] mdrun_gpu returned [04:53:53] NANs detected on GPU [04:53:53] [04:53:53] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE [04:53:57] CoreStatus = 7A (122) [04:53:57] Sending work to server [04:53:57] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:53:57] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_02.dat [04:53:57] - Error: Could not read unit 02 file. Removing from queue. [04:53:57] - Preparing to get new work unit... [04:53:57] + Attempting to get work packet [04:53:57] - Connecting to assignment server [04:53:58] - Successful: assigned to ( [04:53:58] + News From Folding@Home: GPU folding beta [04:53:58] Loaded queue successfully. [04:54:00] + Closed connections [04:54:05] [04:54:05] + Processing work unit [04:54:05] Core required: FahCore_11.exe [04:54:05] Core found. [04:54:05] Working on queue slot 03 [November 15 04:54:05 UTC] [04:54:05] + Working ... [04:54:05] [04:54:05] *------------------------------* [04:54:05] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta [04:54:05] Version 1.18 (Mon Oct 13 11:11:30 PDT 2008) [04:54:05] [04:54:05] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 [04:54:05] Build host: amoeba [04:54:05] Board Type: AMD [04:54:05] Core : [04:54:05] Preparing to commence simulation [04:54:05] - Looking at optimizations... [04:54:05] - Created dyn [04:54:05] - Files status OK [04:54:05] - Expanded 88214 -> 447304 (decompressed 507.0 percent) [04:54:05] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88214 data_size=447304, decompressed_data_size=447304 diff=0 [04:54:05] - Digital signature verified [04:54:05] [04:54:05] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:54:05] [04:54:05] Assembly optimizations on if available. [04:54:05] Entering M.D. [04:54:12] Working on p4744_lam5w_300K [04:54:13] Client config found, loading data. [04:54:13] Starting GUI Server [04:54:16] mdrun_gpu returned [04:54:16] NANs detected on GPU [04:54:16] [04:54:16] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE [04:54:20] CoreStatus = 7A (122) [04:54:20] Sending work to server [04:54:20] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:54:20] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_03.dat [04:54:20] - Error: Could not read unit 03 file. Removing from queue. [04:54:20] - Preparing to get new work unit... [04:54:20] + Attempting to get work packet [04:54:20] - Connecting to assignment server [04:54:21] - Successful: assigned to ( [04:54:21] + News From Folding@Home: GPU folding beta [04:54:21] Loaded queue successfully. [04:54:23] + Closed connections [04:54:28] [04:54:28] + Processing work unit [04:54:28] Core required: FahCore_11.exe [04:54:28] Core found. [04:54:28] Working on queue slot 04 [November 15 04:54:28 UTC] [04:54:28] + Working ... [04:54:28] [04:54:28] *------------------------------* [04:54:28] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta [04:54:28] Version 1.18 (Mon Oct 13 11:11:30 PDT 2008) [04:54:28] [04:54:28] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 [04:54:28] Build host: amoeba [04:54:28] Board Type: AMD [04:54:28] Core : [04:54:28] Preparing to commence simulation [04:54:28] - Looking at optimizations... [04:54:28] - Created dyn [04:54:28] - Files status OK [04:54:28] - Expanded 88214 -> 447304 (decompressed 507.0 percent) [04:54:28] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88214 data_size=447304, decompressed_data_size=447304 diff=0 [04:54:28] - Digital signature verified [04:54:28] [04:54:28] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:54:28] [04:54:28] Assembly optimizations on if available. [04:54:28] Entering M.D. [04:54:34] Working on p4744_lam5w_300K [04:54:34] Client config found, loading data. [04:54:34] Starting GUI Server [04:54:38] mdrun_gpu returned [04:54:38] NANs detected on GPU [04:54:38] [04:54:38] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE [04:54:42] CoreStatus = 7A (122) [04:54:42] Sending work to server [04:54:42] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:54:42] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_04.dat [04:54:42] - Error: Could not read unit 04 file. Removing from queue. [04:54:42] - Preparing to get new work unit... [04:54:42] + Attempting to get work packet [04:54:42] - Connecting to assignment server [04:54:43] - Successful: assigned to ( [04:54:43] + News From Folding@Home: GPU folding beta [04:54:43] Loaded queue successfully. [04:54:45] + Closed connections [04:54:50] [04:54:50] + Processing work unit [04:54:50] Core required: FahCore_11.exe [04:54:50] Core found. [04:54:50] Working on queue slot 05 [November 15 04:54:50 UTC] [04:54:50] + Working ... [04:54:50] [04:54:50] *------------------------------* [04:54:50] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta [04:54:50] Version 1.18 (Mon Oct 13 11:11:30 PDT 2008) [04:54:50] [04:54:50] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 [04:54:50] Build host: amoeba [04:54:50] Board Type: AMD [04:54:50] Core : [04:54:50] Preparing to commence simulation [04:54:50] - Looking at optimizations... [04:54:50] - Created dyn [04:54:50] - Files status OK [04:54:50] - Expanded 88214 -> 447304 (decompressed 507.0 percent) [04:54:50] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88214 data_size=447304, decompressed_data_size=447304 diff=0 [04:54:50] - Digital signature verified [04:54:50] [04:54:50] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:54:50] [04:54:50] Assembly optimizations on if available. [04:54:50] Entering M.D. [04:54:57] Working on p4744_lam5w_300K [04:54:57] Client config found, loading data. [04:54:57] Starting GUI Server [04:55:00] mdrun_gpu returned [04:55:00] NANs detected on GPU [04:55:00] [04:55:00] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE [04:55:03] CoreStatus = 7A (122) [04:55:03] Sending work to server [04:55:03] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:55:03] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_05.dat [04:55:03] - Error: Could not read unit 05 file. Removing from queue. [04:55:03] - Preparing to get new work unit... [04:55:03] + Attempting to get work packet [04:55:03] - Connecting to assignment server [04:55:03] - Successful: assigned to ( [04:55:03] + News From Folding@Home: GPU folding beta [04:55:03] Loaded queue successfully. [04:55:06] + Closed connections [04:55:11] [04:55:11] + Processing work unit [04:55:11] Core required: FahCore_11.exe [04:55:11] Core found. [04:55:11] Working on queue slot 06 [November 15 04:55:11 UTC] [04:55:11] + Working ... [04:55:11] [04:55:11] *------------------------------* [04:55:11] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta [04:55:11] Version 1.18 (Mon Oct 13 11:11:30 PDT 2008) [04:55:11] [04:55:11] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 [04:55:11] Build host: amoeba [04:55:11] Board Type: AMD [04:55:11] Core : [04:55:11] Preparing to commence simulation [04:55:11] - Looking at optimizations... [04:55:11] - Created dyn [04:55:11] - Files status OK [04:55:11] - Expanded 88214 -> 447304 (decompressed 507.0 percent) [04:55:11] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88214 data_size=447304, decompressed_data_size=447304 diff=0 [04:55:11] - Digital signature verified [04:55:11] [04:55:11] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:55:11] [04:55:11] Assembly optimizations on if available. [04:55:11] Entering M.D. [04:55:17] Working on p4744_lam5w_300K [04:55:17] Client config found, loading data. [04:55:17] Starting GUI Server [04:55:21] mdrun_gpu returned [04:55:21] NANs detected on GPU [04:55:21] [04:55:21] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE [04:55:23] CoreStatus = 7A (122) [04:55:23] Sending work to server [04:55:23] Project: 4744 (Run 9, Clone 786, Gen 11) [04:55:23] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_06.dat [04:55:23] - Error: Could not read unit 06 file. Removing from queue. [04:55:23] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours. merci
  7. ah oui j'y avais pas pensé! merci de ta reponse je tien au courant s'y j'arrive a finir une Wu
  8. salut à tous donc voilà avec ma nouvelle machine je veut la faire plié avec cg ati hd 4870, et j'ai toujours un message d'erreur assez aléatoire: j'a fouiné un peu sur le net et je croit que c'est le folding gpu qui a un souci avec vista 64 bits? j'ai essayé la version graphique, installer et la je l'ai mi en console et c'est pareil.. voici: Launch directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Folding@home\Folding@home-gpu 2 Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Folding@home\Folding@home-gpu 2\Folding@home-Win32-GPU.exe [14:36:26] - Ask before connecting: No [14:36:26] - User name: [inpact]_stology (Team 51) [14:36:26] - User ID: 2C8D42425EEA3628 [14:36:26] - Machine ID: 2 [14:36:26] [14:36:26] Loaded queue successfully. [14:36:26] - Preparing to get new work unit... [14:36:26] + Attempting to get work packet [14:36:26] - Connecting to assignment server [14:36:27] - Successful: assigned to ( [14:36:27] + News From Folding@Home: GPU folding beta [14:36:27] Loaded queue successfully. [14:36:31] + Closed connections [14:36:31] [14:36:31] + Processing work unit [14:36:31] Core required: FahCore_11.exe [14:36:31] Core found. [14:36:31] Working on queue slot 06 [November 12 14:36:31 UTC] [14:36:31] + Working ... [14:36:31] [14:36:31] *------------------------------* [14:36:31] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta [14:36:31] Version 1.18 (Mon Oct 13 11:11:30 PDT 2008) [14:36:31] [14:36:31] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 [14:36:31] Build host: amoeba [14:36:31] Board Type: AMD [14:36:31] Core : [14:36:31] Preparing to commence simulation [14:36:31] - Looking at optimizations... [14:36:31] - Created dyn [14:36:31] - Files status OK [14:36:31] - Expanded 96540 -> 489152 (decompressed 506.6 percent) [14:36:31] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=96540 data_size=489152, decompressed_data_size=489152 diff=0 [14:36:31] - Digital signature verified [14:36:31] [14:36:31] Project: 5736 (Run 0, Clone 1, Gen 30) [14:36:31] [14:36:31] Assembly optimizations on if available. [14:36:31] Entering M.D. [14:36:38] Working on Protein [14:36:38] Client config found, loading data. [14:36:38] Starting GUI Server [14:39:29] Completed 1% [14:42:20] Completed 2% [14:45:03] Completed 3% [14:47:50] Completed 4% [14:50:37] Completed 5% [14:53:20] Completed 6% [14:56:05] Completed 7% [14:58:49] Completed 8% [15:01:36] Completed 9% [15:04:21] Completed 10% [15:07:04] Completed 11% [15:09:42] Completed 12% [15:12:21] Completed 13% [15:14:59] Completed 14% [15:17:39] Completed 15% [15:20:16] Completed 16% [15:22:52] Completed 17% [15:25:30] Completed 18% [15:28:07] Completed 19% [15:30:44] Completed 20% [15:30:44] mdrun_gpu returned [15:30:44] Nonzero force sum on GPU [15:30:44] [15:30:44] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE [15:30:47] CoreStatus = 7A (122) merci de votre aide!
  9. salut à toi! dis moi pourquoi tu ve que ton client folding ne consomme que 5%? Folding est fait pour utilisé les ressource INUTILISE de ton processeur, en exemple: -encodage video 50% du proc. -folding va utilisé l'autres 50% si jamais ton encodage devait passé a 90% folding n'utliseré plus que 10%, ceux qui ne servent a rien!!!!! folding est réglé en priorité minimale dans windows c'est a dire que c'est le dernier servit sur le processeur!!!!!!! ton pc ne pourra jamais ramé avec folding meme a 100% réglé dans tes preference!! moi je joue sur le net, encodage, tous ce qui bouffe du processeur est je n'est pas de probleme ressource avec folding.
  10. salut à tous! Les versions bétas cpu et gpu on expirées!! (pour moi en tous cas ) impossiblité de les lancées. téléchargées les nouvelles bétas c'est corrigé
  11. salut à tous. j'ai lu quelque part (je retrouve plus le post) concernant le client gpu de l'accéleré en passant les fréquence de la carte (x1950 pro 512mo agp) en 2d au lieu de 3d (un truc dans le genre ) quelqu'un a des infos la dessus? merci
  12. il est 23h46 est c'est de nouveau operationnel core_81 télecharger. dans fahmon il est ecrit: CORE: SimTgromac c'est la 1ere fois que je le voit c'est un nouveau projet? merci
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